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Pastoralism: A critical asset for food security under global climate change
S Krätli, C Huelsebusch, S Brooks, B Kaufmann
Animal frontiers 3 (1), 42-50, 2013
The use of differentially corrected global positioning system to monitor activities of cattle at pasture
E Schlecht, C Hülsebusch, F Mahler, K Becker
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 85 (3-4), 185-202, 2004
A spatio-temporal analysis of forage availability and grazing and excretion behaviour of herded and free grazing cattle, sheep and goats in Western Niger
E Schlecht, P Hiernaux, I Kadaouré, C Hülsebusch, F Mahler
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 113 (1-4), 226-242, 2006
Opportunities and challenges for smallholder pig production systems in a mountainous region of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China
S Riedel, A Schiborra, C Huelsebusch, M Huanming, E Schlecht
Tropical animal health and production 44, 1971-1980, 2012
Effects of feeding practices on milk yield and composition in peri-urban and rural smallholder dairy cow and pastoral camel herds in Kenya
OB Kashongwe, BO Bebe, JW Matofari, CG Huelsebusch
Tropical Animal Health and Production 49, 909-914, 2017
Associations between milking practices, somatic cell counts and milk postharvest losses in smallholder dairy and pastoral camel herds in Kenya
OB Kashongwe, BO Bebe, JW Matofari, CG Huelsebusch
International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine 5 (1), 57-64, 2017
A house full of trap doors. Identifying barriers to resilient drylands in the toolbox of pastoral development
S Krätli, B Kaufmann, H Roba, P Hiernaux, W Li, MH Easdale, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-7762, 2016
Collaborative learning for fostering change in complex social-ecological systems: a transdisciplinary perspective on food and farming systems
MJ Restrepo, MA Lelea, A Christinck, C Hülsebusch, BA Kaufmann
Knowledge Management for Development Journal 10 (3), 38-59, 2014
Land conversion dynamics in the Borana rangelands of Southern Ethiopia: an integrated assessment using remote sensing techniques and field survey data
M Elias, O Hensel, U Richter, C Hülsebusch, B Kaufmann, O Wasonga
Environments 2 (1), 1-31, 2015
High impact grazing as a management tool to optimize biomass growth in northern Argentinean grassland
DB Kurtz, F Asch, M Giese, C Hülsebusch, MC Goldfarb, JF Casco
Ecological indicators 63, 100-109, 2016
The productivity of traditional smallholder pig production and possible improvement strategies in Xishuangbanna, South Western China
S Riedel, A Schiborra, C Hülsebusch, E Schlecht
Livestock science 160, 151-162, 2014
A house full of trap doors
S Krätli, B Kaufmann, H Roba, P Hiernaux, W Li, M Easdale, ...
Identifying barriers to resilient drylands in development (IIED discussion …, 2015
Pastoral livestock systems
BA Kaufmann, CG Hülsebusch, S Krätli
Elsevier, 2019
Diversity in livestock resources in pastoral systems in Africa.
BA Kaufmann, MA Lelea, CG Hulsebusch
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) 35 (2 …, 2016
Agricultural research for development in the tropics: caught between energy demands and food needs
F Asch, C Huelsebusch
Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics …, 2009
Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sink potential in Eastern Africa rangeland ecosystems: A review
ME Mgalula, OV Wasonga, C Hülsebusch, U Richter, O Hensel
Pastoralism 11, 1-17, 2021
Managing rangelands without herding? Insights from Africa and beyond
E Schlecht, MD Turner, CG Hülsebusch, A Buerkert
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 549954, 2020
Employing Cybernetics in Social Ecological Systems Research: Transforming Experience of Land Users into Information for Scientists
B Kaufmann, C Hülsebusch
Exploring Cybernetics: Kybernetik im interdisziplinären Diskurs, 167-184, 2015
Safety of horticultural and livestock products in two medium-sized cities of Mali and Burkina Faso
A Hamadoun, H Christian, B Abou, S Eva
Immunoglobulin G status of camels during 6 months post natum
C Hülsebusch
Margraf, 1999
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Articles 1–20