Trust-region methods, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA AR Conn, NIM Gould, L Philippe Trust-region methods, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics …, 2000 | 4605* | 2000 |
Introduction to derivative-free optimization AR Conn, K Scheinberg, LN Vicente Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009 | 2468 | 2009 |
CUTE: Constrained and unconstrained testing environment I Bongartz, AR Conn, N Gould, PL Toint ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 21 (1), 123-160, 1995 | 1182 | 1995 |
A globally convergent augmented Lagrangian algorithm for optimization with general constraints and simple bounds AR Conn, NIM Gould, P Toint SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 28 (2), 545-572, 1991 | 1165 | 1991 |
An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs P Bonami, LT Biegler, AR Conn, G Cornuéjols, IE Grossmann, CD Laird, ... Discrete optimization 5 (2), 186-204, 2008 | 1160 | 2008 |
LANCELOT: a Fortran package for large-scale nonlinear optimization (Release A) AR Conn, GIM Gould, PL Toint Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 1065 | 2013 |
A globally convergent Lagrangian barrier algorithm for optimization with general inequality constraints and simple bounds A Conn, N Gould, P Toint Mathematics of computation 66 (217), 261-288, 1997 | 505 | 1997 |
Global convergence of a class of trust region algorithms for optimization with simple bounds AR Conn, NIM Gould, PL Toint SIAM journal on numerical analysis 25 (2), 433-460, 1988 | 456 | 1988 |
Recent progress in unconstrained nonlinear optimization without derivatives AR Conn, K Scheinberg, PL Toint Mathematical programming 79, 397-414, 1997 | 378 | 1997 |
Testing a class of methods for solving minimization problems with simple bounds on the variables AR Conn, NIM Gould, PL Toint Mathematics of computation 50 (182), 399-430, 1988 | 368 | 1988 |
Convergence of quasi-Newton matrices generated by the symmetric rank one update AR Conn, NIM Gould, PL Toint Mathematical programming 50 (1), 177-195, 1991 | 340 | 1991 |
Global convergence of general derivative-free trust-region algorithms to first-and second-order critical points AR Conn, K Scheinberg, LN Vicente SIAM Journal on Optimization 20 (1), 387-415, 2009 | 296 | 2009 |
On the convergence of derivative-free methods for unconstrained optimization AR Conn, K Scheinberg, PL Toint Approximation theory and optimization: tributes to MJD Powell, 83-108, 1997 | 281 | 1997 |
Minimization Techniques for Piecewise Differentiable Functions: The Solution to an Overdetermined Linear System RH Bartels, AR Conn, JW Sinclair SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 15 (2), 224-241, 1978 | 253 | 1978 |
An efficient method to solve the minimax problem directly C Charalambous, AR Conn SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 15 (1), 162-187, 1978 | 250 | 1978 |
An efficient primal-dual interior-point method for minimizing a sum of Euclidean norms KD Andersen, E Christiansen, AR Conn, ML Overton SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 22 (1), 243-262, 2000 | 200 | 2000 |
Geometry of interpolation sets in derivative free optimization AR Conn, K Scheinberg, LN Vicente Mathematical programming 111, 141-172, 2008 | 194 | 2008 |
Nonlinear programming via an exact penalty function: asymptotic analysis TF Coleman, AR Conn Mathematical programming 24 (1), 123-136, 1982 | 194 | 1982 |
An algorithm using quadratic interpolation for unconstrained derivative free optimization AR Conn, PL Toint Nonlinear optimization and applications, 27-47, 1996 | 184 | 1996 |
On the local convergence of a quasi-Newton method for the nonlinear programming problem TF Coleman, AR Conn SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 21 (4), 755-769, 1984 | 171 | 1984 |