Homer F. Walker
Cited by
Cited by
Mixture densities, maximum likelihood and the EM algorithm
RA Redner, HF Walker
SIAM review 26 (2), 195-239, 1984
Choosing the forcing terms in an inexact Newton method
SC Eisenstat, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 17 (1), 16-32, 1996
Anderson acceleration for fixed-point iterations
HF Walker, P Ni
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 49 (4), 1715-1735, 2011
Globally convergent inexact Newton methods
SC Eisenstat, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Optimization 4 (2), 393-422, 1994
Implementation of the GMRES method using Householder transformations
HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 9 (1), 152-163, 1988
NITSOL: A Newton iterative solver for nonlinear systems
M Pernice, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 19 (1), 302-318, 1998
GMRES on (nearly) singular systems
PN Brown, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 18 (1), 37-51, 1997
Algorithm 777: HOMPACK90: A suite of Fortran 90 codes for globally convergent homotopy algorithms
LT Watson, M Sosonkina, RC Melville, AP Morgan, HF Walker
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 23 (4), 514-549, 1997
The null spaces of elliptic partial differential operators in Rn
L Nirenberg, HF Walker
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 42 (2), 271-301, 1973
Convergence theorems for least-change secant update methods
JE Dennis, Jr, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 18 (6), 949-987, 1981
Residual smoothing techniques for iterative methods
L Zhou, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 15 (2), 297-312, 1994
An iterative procedure for obtaining maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters for a mixture of normal distributions
BC Peters, Jr, HF Walker
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 35 (2), 362-378, 1978
A simpler gmres
HF Walker, L Zhou
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 (6), 571-581, 1994
An accelerated Picard method for nonlinear systems related to variably saturated flow
PA Lott, HF Walker, CS Woodward, UM Yang
Advances in Water Resources 38, 92-101, 2012
Globalization techniques for Newton–Krylov methods and applications to the fully coupled solution of the Navier–Stokes equations
RP Pawlowski, JN Shadid, JP Simonis, HF Walker
SIAM review 48 (4), 700-721, 2006
An inexact Newton method for fully coupled solution of the Navier–Stokes equations with heat and mass transport
JN Shadid, RS Tuminaro, HF Walker
Journal of Computational Physics 137 (1), 155-185, 1997
Simulating cyclic artery compression using a 3D unsteady model with fluid–structure interactions
D Tang, C Yang, H Walker, S Kobayashi, DN Ku
Computers & Structures 80 (20-21), 1651-1665, 2002
Least-change secant update methods for underdetermined systems
HF Walker, LT Watson
SIAM Journal on numerical analysis 27 (5), 1227-1262, 1990
Anderson acceleration and application to the three-temperature energy equations
H An, X Jia, HF Walker
Journal of Computational Physics 347, 1-19, 2017
Efficient High Accuracy Solutions with
K Turner, HF Walker
SIAM journal on scientific and statistical computing 13 (3), 815-825, 1992
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Articles 1–20