Florian Richter
Florian Richter
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Efficient process discovery from event streams using sequential pattern mining
M Hassani, S Siccha, F Richter, T Seidl
2015 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence, 1366-1373, 2015
Looking into the TESSERACT: Time-drifts in event streams using series of evolving rolling averages of completion times
F Richter, T Seidl
Information Systems 84, 265-282, 2019
TESSERACT: time-drifts in event streams using series of evolving rolling averages of completion times
F Richter, T Seidl
Business Process Management: 15th International Conference, BPM 2017 …, 2017
Concept drift detection on streaming data with dynamic outlier aggregation
L Zellner, F Richter, J Sontheim, A Maldonado, T Seidl
Process Mining Workshops: ICPM 2020 International Workshops, Padua, Italy …, 2021
Efficient infrequent pattern mining using negative itemset tree
Y Lu, F Richter, T Seidl
Complex pattern mining: New challenges, methods and applications, 1-16, 2020
Efficient infrequent itemset mining using depth-first and top-down lattice traversal
Y Lu, F Richter, T Seidl
Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 23rd International Conference …, 2018
Multilevel visual motion opponency in Drosophila
G Ammer, E Serbe-Kamp, AS Mauss, FG Richter, S Fendl, A Borst
Nature neuroscience 26 (11), 1894-1905, 2023
OTOSO: online trace ordering for structural overviews
F Richter, A Maldonado, L Zellner, T Seidl
Process Mining Workshops: ICPM 2020 International Workshops, Padua, Italy …, 2021
TOAD: trace ordering for anomaly detection
F Richter, Y Lu, L Zellner, J Sontheim, T Seidl
2020 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM), 169-176, 2020
LIProMa: Label-independent process matching
F Richter, L Zellner, I Azaiz, D Winkel, T Seidl
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2019 International Workshops …, 2019
Model-aware clustering of non-conforming traces
F Richter, L Zellner, J Sontheim, T Seidl
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences …, 2019
K-nearest neighbor based clustering with shape alternation adaptivity
Y Lu, Y Zhang, F Richter, T Seidl
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
TADE: Stochastic conformance checking using temporal activity density estimation
F Richter, J Sontheim, L Zellner, T Seidl
Business Process Management: 18th International Conference, BPM 2020 …, 2020
Interdisciplinary knowledge cohesion through distributed information management systems
D Kaltenthaler, JY Lohrer, F Richter, P Kröger
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (4), 413-426, 2018
Perrcas: Process error cascade mining in trace streams
A Wimbauer, F Richter, T Seidl
International Conference on Process Mining, 224-236, 2021
“Show Me the Crowds!” Revealing Cluster Structures Through AMTICS
F Richter, Y Lu, D Kazempour, T Seidl
Data Science and Engineering 5 (4), 360-374, 2020
Temporal Deviations on Event Sequences.
J Sontheim, F Richter, T Seidl
LWDA, 173-177, 2019
k-process: Model-Conformance-based Clustering of Process Instances.
F Richter, F Wahl, A Sydorova, T Seidl
LWDA, 161-172, 2019
Scorer-gap: sequentially correlated rules for event recommendation considering gap size
L Zellner, J Sontheim, F Richter, G Lindner, T Seidl
2021 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 925-934, 2021
Lscminer: Efficient low support closed itemsets mining
Y Lu, F Richter, T Seidl
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2019: 20th International Conference …, 2019
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