Akira Sone
Akira Sone
Sonstige Namen曽根 彬
Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Massachusetts Boston
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Cost function dependent barren plateaus in shallow parametrized quantum circuits
M Cerezo, A Sone, T Volkoff, L Cincio, PJ Coles
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-12, 2021
Noise-induced barren plateaus in variational quantum algorithms
S Wang, E Fontana, M Cerezo, K Sharma, A Sone, L Cincio, PJ Coles
Nature communications 12, 6961, 2021
Variational quantum algorithm for estimating the quantum Fisher information
JL Beckey, M Cerezo, A Sone, PJ Coles
Physical Review Research 4 (1), 013083, 2022
Hamiltonian identifiability assisted by a single-probe measurement
A Sone, P Cappellaro
Physical Review A 95 (2), 022335, 2017
Quantum Jarzynski Equality in Open Quantum Systems from the One-Time Measurement Scheme
A Sone, YX Liu, P Cappellaro
Physical Review Letters 125 (6), 060602, 2020
Quantum Hamiltonian identifiability via a similarity transformation approach and beyond
Y Wang, D Dong, A Sone, IR Petersen, H Yonezawa, P Cappellaro
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (11), 4632-4647, 2020
Exact dimension estimation of interacting qubit systems assisted by a single quantum probe
A Sone, P Cappellaro
Physical Review A 96 (6), 062334, 2017
Quantifying precision loss in local quantum thermometry via diagonal discord
A Sone, Q Zhuang, P Cappellaro
Physical Review A 98 (1), 012115, 2018
Sub-quantum Fisher information
M Cerezo, A Sone, JL Beckey, PJ Coles
Quantum Science and Technology 6 (3), 035008, 2021
Nonclassical correlations for quantum metrology in thermal equilibrium
A Sone, Q Zhuang, C Li, YX Liu, P Cappellaro
Physical Review A 99 (5), 052318, 2019
Quantum and Classical Ergotropy from Relative Entropies
A Sone, S Deffner
Entropy 23 (9), 1107, 2021
Quantum Computational Phase Transition in Combinatorial Problems
B Zhang, A Sone, Q Zhuang
npj Quantum Information 8, 87, 2022
Inference-based quantum sensing
C Huerta Alderete, MH Gordon, F Sauvage, A Sone, AT Sornborger, ...
Physical Review Letters 129 (19), 190501, 2022
Generalized measure of quantum Fisher information
A Sone, M Cerezo, JL Beckey, PJ Coles
Physical Review A 104 (6), 062602, 2021
Jarzynski-like Equality of Nonequilibrium Information Production Based on Quantum Cross Entropy
A Sone, N Yamamoto, T Holdsworth, P Narang
Physical Review Research 5 (2), 023039, 2023
Exchange fluctuation theorems for strongly interacting quantum pumps
A Sone, DO Soares-Pinto, S Deffner
AVS Quantum Science 5 (3), 2023
Jarzynski equality for conditional stochastic work
A Sone, S Deffner
Journal of Statistical Physics 183 (1), 11, 2021
Barren plateau issues for variational quantum-classical algorithms
M Cerezo, A Sone, L Cincio, P Coles
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 65, 2020
Conditional quantum thermometry--enhancing precision by measuring less
A Sone, DO Soares-Pinto, S Deffner
Quantum Science and Technology 9, 045018, 2024
Detailed fluctuation theorem from the one-time measurement scheme
K Maeda, T Holdsworth, S Deffner, A Sone
Physical Review A 108 (5), L050203, 2023
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