Rien Aerts
Rien Aerts
Professor in Systems Ecology, VU University Amsterdam
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The mineral nutrition of wild plants revisited: a re-evaluation of processes and patterns
R Aerts, FS Chapin III
Advances in ecological research 30, 1-67, 1999
Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide
WK Cornwell, JHC Cornelissen, K Amatangelo, E Dorrepaal, VT Eviner, ...
Ecology letters 11 (10), 1065-1071, 2008
Climate, leaf litter chemistry and leaf litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: a triangular relationship
R Aerts
Oikos, 439-449, 1997
Nutrient resorption from senescing leaves of perennials: are there general patterns?
R Aerts
Journal of Ecology, 597-608, 1996
A global study of relationships between leaf traits, climate and soil measures of nutrient fertility
JC Ordoñez, PM Van Bodegom, JPM Witte, IJ Wright, PB Reich, R Aerts
Global Ecology and Biogeography 18 (2), 137-149, 2009
Consequences of biodiversity loss for litter decomposition across biomes
IT Handa, R Aerts, F Berendse, MP Berg, A Bruder, O Butenschoen, ...
Nature 509 (7499), 218-221, 2014
Carbon respiration from subsurface peat accelerated by climate warming in the subarctic
E Dorrepaal, S Toet, RSP Van Logtestijn, E Swart, MJ Van De Weg, ...
Nature 460 (7255), 616-619, 2009
The advantages of being evergreen
R Aerts
Trends in ecology & evolution 10 (10), 402-407, 1995
Interspecific competition in natural plant communities: mechanisms, trade-offs and plant-soil feedbacks
R Aerts
Journal of experimental botany 50 (330), 29-37, 1999
Evidence of the ‘plant economics spectrum’in a subarctic flora
GT Freschet, JHC Cornelissen, RSP Van Logtestijn, R Aerts
Journal of Ecology 98 (2), 362-373, 2010
The freezer defrosting: global warming and litter decomposition rates in cold biomes
R Aerts
Journal of Ecology 94 (4), 713-724, 2006
Growth-limiting nutrients in Sphagnum-dominated bogs subject to low and high atmospheric nitrogen supply
R Aerts, B Wallέn, N Malmer
Journal of ecology, 131-140, 1992
Global change and arctic ecosystems: is lichen decline a function of increases in vascular plant biomass?
JHC Cornelissen, TV Callaghan, JM Alatalo, A Michelsen, E Graglia, ...
Journal of Ecology 89 (6), 984-994, 2001
Nitrogen-use-efficiency: a biologically meaningful definition?
F Berendse, R Aerts
Functional Ecology, 293-296, 1987
Global negative vegetation feedback to climate warming responses of leaf litter decomposition rates in cold biomes
JHC Cornelissen, PM Van Bodegom, R Aerts, TV Callaghan, ...
Ecology letters 10 (7), 619-627, 2007
Methane feedbacks to the global climate system in a warmer world
JF Dean, JJ Middelburg, T Röckmann, R Aerts, LG Blauw, M Egger, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 56 (1), 207-250, 2018
Ecosystem feedbacks and cascade processes: understanding their role in the responses of Arctic and alpine ecosystems to environmental change
PA Wookey, R Aerts, RD Bardgett, F Baptist, KA Bråthen, ...
Global Change Biology 15 (5), 1153-1172, 2009
Highly consistent effects of plant litter identity and functional traits on decomposition across a latitudinal gradient
M Makkonen, MP Berg, IT Handa, S Hättenschwiler, J van Ruijven, ...
Ecology letters 15 (9), 1033-1041, 2012
The effect of increased nutrient availability on vegetation dynamics in wet heathlands
R Aerts, F Berendse
Vegetatio 76, 63-69, 1988
The relation between above-and belowground biomass allocation patterns and competitive ability
R Aerts, RGA Boot, PJM Van der Aart
Oecologia 87, 551-559, 1991
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