Chiara Buratti
Chiara Buratti
Research Associate, University of Bologna
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An overview on wireless sensor networks technology and evolution
C Buratti, A Conti, D Dardari, R Verdone
Sensors 9 (9), 6869-6896, 2009
A survey on wireless body area networks: Technologies and design challenges
R Cavallari, F Martelli, R Rosini, C Buratti, R Verdone
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 16 (3), 1635-1657, 2014
Smart city pilot projects using LoRa and IEEE802. 15.4 technologies
G Pasolini, C Buratti, L Feltrin, F Zabini, C De Castro, R Verdone, ...
Sensors 18 (4), 1118, 2018
Narrowband IoT: A survey on downlink and uplink perspectives
L Feltrin, G Tsoukaneri, M Condoluci, C Buratti, T Mahmoodi, M Dohler, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 26 (1), 78-86, 2019
Mathematical evaluation of environmental monitoring estimation error through energy-efficient wireless sensor networks
D Dardari, A Conti, C Buratti, R Verdone
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 6 (7), 790-802, 2007
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.15. 4 beacon-enabled mode
C Buratti
IEEE transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (4), 2031-2045, 2010
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.15. 4 non beacon-enabled mode
C Buratti, R Verdone
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (7), 3480-3493, 2009
LoRaWAN: Evaluation of link-and system-level performance
L Feltrin, C Buratti, E Vinciarelli, R De Bonis, R Verdone
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 2249-2258, 2018
A ZigBee smart energy implementation for energy efficient buildings
C Gezer, C Buratti
2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2011
Comparing application layer protocols for the Internet of Things via experimentation
S Mijovic, E Shehu, C Buratti
2016 IEEE 2nd International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society …, 2016
On the performance of an IEEE 802.15. 6 wireless body area network
F Martelli, C Buratti, R Verdone
17th European Wireless 2011-Sustainable Wireless Technologies, 1-6, 2011
Testing protocols for the internet of things on the EuWIn platform
C Buratti, A Stajkic, G Gardasevic, S Milardo, MD Abrignani, S Mijovic, ...
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (1), 124-133, 2015
Intent-based management and orchestration of heterogeneous openflow/IoT SDN domains
W Cerroni, C Buratti, S Cerboni, G Davoli, C Contoli, F Foresta, ...
2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 1-9, 2017
Capture effect in IEEE 802.15. 4 networks: Modelling and experimentation
C Gezer, C Buratti, R Verdone
IEEE 5th International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing 2010, 204-209, 2010
A novel collision-aware adaptive data rate algorithm for LoRaWAN networks
R Marini, W Cerroni, C Buratti
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (4), 2670-2680, 2020
Lorawansim: A flexible simulator for lorawan networks
R Marini, K Mikhaylov, G Pasolini, C Buratti
Sensors 21 (3), 695, 2021
Sensor networks with IEEE 802.15. 4 systems: distributed processing, MAC, and connectivity
C Buratti, R Verdone, G Ferrari
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Cross-layer design of an energy-efficient cluster formation algorithm with carrier-sensing multiple access for wireless sensor networks
C Buratti, A Giorgetti, R Verdone
EURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking 2005, 1-14, 2005
L-CSMA: A MAC protocol for multihop linear wireless (sensor) networks
C Buratti, R Verdone
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (1), 251-265, 2015
Delay Tolerant Networking for smart city through drones
C Giannini, AA Shaaban, C Buratti, R Verdone
2016 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 603-607, 2016
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