Salomée Ruel
Salomée Ruel
Professor, EXCELIA Business School
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Can supply chain risk management practices mitigate the disruption impacts on supply chains’ resilience and robustness? Evidence from an empirical survey in a COVID-19 outbreak era
J El Baz, S Ruel
International journal of production economics 233, 107972, 2021
Does digitalising the supply chain contribute to its resilience?
D Zouari, S Ruel, L Viale
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 51 (2 …, 2021
Supply chain viability: conceptualization, measurement, and nomological validation
S Ruel, J El Baz, D Ivanov, A Das
Annals of Operations Research, 1-30, 2024
Disaster readiness’ influence on the impact of supply chain resilience and robustness on firms’ financial performance: A COVID-19 empirical investigation
S Ruel, J El Baz
International Journal of Production Research 61 (8), 2594-2612, 2023
SMEs’ resilience from continuous improvement lenses
S Zighan, S Ruel
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 15 (2), 233-253, 2023
Inclusive purchasing and supply chain resilience capabilities: lessons for social sustainability
ME Silva, S Ruel
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 28 (5), 100767, 2022
Sustainability management in supply chains: the role of familiness
MMC Fritz, S Ruel, A Kallmuenzer, R Harms
Technological forecasting and social change 173, 121078, 2021
Systèmes d'information et résilience des chaînes logistiques globales
KE Samuel, S Ruel
Systèmes d'information & management 18 (1), 57-85, 2013
Supply chain vulnerability: contributions from an edifying case study
S Ruel, S Shaaban, M Ducros
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 32 (2), 214-232, 2019
Gender diversity in supply chains: Towards more sustainable decisions? Evidence from interviews
S Ruel, MMC Fritz
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 22 (3), 205-222, 2021
Gender diversity for sustainability management: developing a research agenda from a supply chain perspective
S Ruel, M Fritz, N Subramanian
Logistique & Management 28 (3-4), 224-239, 2020
Collaboration and information sharing in an internal supply chain during an innovation project
S Ruel, K Evrard-Samuel, N Vignard
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 14 (4), 32-41, 2013
Supply chain uncertainties linked to information systems: a case study approach
S Ruel, L Ouabouch, S Shaaban
Industrial Management & Data Systems 117 (6), 1093-1108, 2017
Predicting the effects of supply chain resilience and robustness on COVID-19 impacts and performance: Empirical investigation through resources orchestration perspective
J El Baz, S Ruel, ZF Ardekani
Journal of Business Research 164, 114025, 2023
Impact of gender and expatriation choice on career paths in supply chain management: Evidence from master of science graduates
S Ruel, A Jaegler
Sustainability 13 (12), 6907, 2021
Factors which influence trust in supply chains
S Ruel, S Shaaban, J Wu
Logistique & Management 26 (1), 58-69, 2018
Chinese social media for informal knowledge sharing in the supply chain
R Lissillour, S Ruel
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 24 (4), 443-461, 2023
Systèmes d'information et résilience des chaînes logistiques globales: Proposition d'un écosystème informationnel
K Evrard-Samuel, S Ruel, A Spalanzani
Achieving social performance through digitalization and supply chain resilience in the COVID-19 disruption era: An empirical examination based on a stakeholder dynamic …
J El Baz, S Ruel
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 201, 123209, 2024
Towards the «Digital Project Integration»: contributions of an analogical approach with the Supply Chain Integration
M Chouki, V Fernandes, S Ruel, B Borja de Mozota
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 21 (3), 219-228, 2020
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