Melanie Schranz
Melanie Schranz
Senior Researcher, Lakeside Labs GmbH
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Swarm robotic behaviors and current applications
M Schranz, M Umlauft, M Sende, W Elmenreich
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 36, 2020
Swarm intelligence and cyber-physical systems: concepts, challenges and future trends
M Schranz, GA Di Caro, T Schmickl, W Elmenreich, F Arvin, A Şekercioğlu, ...
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 60, 100762, 2021
Designing Swarms of Cyber-Physical Systems: the H2020 CPSwarm Project: Invited Paper
A Bagnato, RK Bíró, D Bonino, C Pastrone, W Elmenreich, R Reiners, ...
Computing Frontiers Conference (CF'17), 305-312, 2017
Distributed object tracking based on cubature Kalman filter
VP Bhuvana, M Schranz, M Huemer, B Rinner
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 423-427, 2013
A study using the low-cost swarm robotics platform spiderino in education
M Jdeed, M Schranz, W Elmenreich
Computers and Education Open 1, 100017, 2020
Multi-camera object tracking using surprisal observations in visual sensor networks
VP Bhuvana, M Schranz, CS Regazzoni, B Rinner, AM Tonello, ...
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2016, 1-14, 2016
Modelling a CPS Swarm System: A Simple Case Study.
M Schranz, A Bagnato, E Brosse, W Elmenreich
MODELSWARD, 615-624, 2018
An Artificial Hormone-based Algorithm for Production Scheduling from the Bottom-up.
W Elmenreich, A Schnabl, M Schranz
ICAART (1), 296-303, 2021
Swarm Robotic Behaviors and Current Applications. Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7: 36
M Schranz, M Umlauft, M Sende, W Elmenreich
DOI: https://doi. org/10.3389/frobt, 2020
Bottom-up Job Shop Scheduling with Swarm Intelligence in Large Production Plants.
M Schranz, M Umlauft, W Elmenreich
SIMULTECH, 327-334, 2021
Swarm Intelligence Layer to Control Autonomous Agents (SWILT)
E Khatmi, W Elmenreich, K Wogatai, M Schranz, M Umlauft, W Laure, ...
Vsnsim-a simulator for control and coordination in visual sensor networks
M Schranz, B Rinner
Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, 1-3, 2014
SwarmFabSim: A Simulation Framework for Bottom-up Optimization in Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling using NetLogo.
M Umlauft, M Schranz, W Elmenreich
SIMULTECH, 271-279, 2022
Engineering swarms of cyber-physical systems with the cpswarm workbench
M Sende, M Schranz, G Prato, E Brosse, O Morando, M Umlauft
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 102 (4), 83, 2021
Designing Self-Organization in the Physical Realm
H Hamann, M Schranz, W Elmenreich, V Trianni, C Pinciroli, N Bredeche, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 597859, 2020
Inspection of ship hulls with multiple uavs: Exploiting prior information for online path planning
P Grippa, A Renzaglia, A Rochebois, M Schranz, O Simonin
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
Resource-Aware Dynamic Clustering Utilizing State Estimation in Visual Sensor Networks
M Schranz, B Rinner
Sensors and Transducers Journal 191 (8), 28-39, 2015
Resource-aware state estimation in visual sensor networks with dynamic clustering
M Schranz, B Rinner
International Conference on Sensor Networks 2, 15-24, 2015
Reinforcement Learning-based Countermeasures against Attacking UAV Swarms
J Simonjan, K Harshina, M Schranz
2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems …, 2023
Inducing defenders to mislead an attacking uav swarm
J Simonjan, SR Probst, M Schranz
2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2022
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