Brian Vlastakis
Cited by
Cited by
Extending the lifetime of a quantum bit with error correction in superconducting circuits
N Ofek, A Petrenko, R Heeres, P Reinhold, Z Leghtas, B Vlastakis, Y Liu, ...
Nature 536 (7617), 441-445, 2016
Deterministically encoding quantum information using 100-photon Schrödinger cat states
B Vlastakis, G Kirchmair, Z Leghtas, SE Nigg, L Frunzio, SM Girvin, ...
Science 342 (6158), 607-610, 2013
Observation of quantum state collapse and revival due to the single-photon Kerr effect
G Kirchmair, B Vlastakis, Z Leghtas, SE Nigg, H Paik, E Ginossar, ...
Nature 495 (7440), 205-209, 2013
Confining the state of light to a quantum manifold by engineered two-photon loss
Z Leghtas, S Touzard, IM Pop, A Kou, B Vlastakis, A Petrenko, KM Sliwa, ...
Science 347 (6224), 853-857, 2015
Black-box superconducting circuit quantization
SE Nigg, H Paik, B Vlastakis, G Kirchmair, S Shankar, L Frunzio, ...
Physical review letters 108 (24), 240502, 2012
Hardware-efficient autonomous quantum memory protection
Z Leghtas, G Kirchmair, B Vlastakis, RJ Schoelkopf, MH Devoret, ...
Physical Review Letters 111 (12), 120501, 2013
Tracking photon jumps with repeated quantum non-demolition parity measurements
L Sun, A Petrenko, Z Leghtas, B Vlastakis, G Kirchmair, KM Sliwa, A Narla, ...
Nature 511 (7510), 444-448, 2014
Cavity state manipulation using photon-number selective phase gates
RW Heeres, B Vlastakis, E Holland, S Krastanov, VV Albert, L Frunzio, ...
Physical review letters 115 (13), 137002, 2015
Universal control of an oscillator with dispersive coupling to a qubit
S Krastanov, VV Albert, C Shen, CL Zou, RW Heeres, B Vlastakis, ...
Physical Review A 92 (4), 040303, 2015
Deterministic protocol for mapping a qubit to coherent state superpositions in a cavity
Z Leghtas, G Kirchmair, B Vlastakis, MH Devoret, RJ Schoelkopf, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (4), 042315, 2013
Single-photon-resolved cross-Kerr interaction for autonomous stabilization of photon-number states
ET Holland, B Vlastakis, RW Heeres, MJ Reagor, U Vool, Z Leghtas, ...
Physical review letters 115 (18), 180501, 2015
Characterizing entanglement of an artificial atom and a cavity cat state with Bell’s inequality
B Vlastakis, A Petrenko, N Ofek, L Sun, Z Leghtas, K Sliwa, Y Liu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8970, 2015
Calibration of a cross-resonance two-qubit gate between directly coupled transmons
AD Patterson, J Rahamim, T Tsunoda, PA Spring, S Jebari, K Ratter, ...
Physical Review Applied 12 (6), 064013, 2019
Implementing and characterizing precise multiqubit measurements
JZ Blumoff, K Chou, C Shen, M Reagor, C Axline, RT Brierley, MP Silveri, ...
Physical Review X 6 (3), 031041, 2016
High coherence and low cross-talk in a tileable 3D integrated superconducting circuit architecture
PA Spring, S Cao, T Tsunoda, G Campanaro, S Fasciati, J Wills, M Bakr, ...
Science Advances 8 (16), eabl6698, 2022
Cost-function embedding and dataset encoding for machine learning with parametrized quantum circuits
S Cao, L Wossnig, B Vlastakis, P Leek, E Grant
Physical Review A 101 (5), 052309, 2020
Techniques of oscillator control for quantum information processing and related systems and methods
R Heeres, B Vlastakis, VV Albert, S Krastanov, L Jiang, RJ Schoelkopf III
US Patent 10,540,602, 2020
Modeling enclosures for large-scale superconducting quantum circuits
PA Spring, T Tsunoda, B Vlastakis, PJ Leek
Physical Review Applied 14 (2), 024061, 2020
Development and characterization of a flux-pumped lumped element Josephson parametric amplifier
M Esposito, J Rahamim, A Patterson, M Mergenthaler, J Wills, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 198, 00008, 2019
Controlling coherent state superpositions with superconducting circuits
BM Vlastakis
Ph. D. Thesis, 2015
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Articles 1–20