Friedrich Jondral
Friedrich Jondral
Retired Full Professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Communications Engineering Lab
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Zitiert von
Spectrum pooling: an innovative strategy for the enhancement of spectrum efficiency
TA Weiss, FK Jondral
IEEE communications Magazine 42 (3), S8-14, 2004
Mutual interference in OFDM-based spectrum pooling systems
T Weiss, J Hillenbrand, A Krohn, FK Jondral
2004 IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2004-Spring (IEEE Cat …, 2004
Software-defined radio—basics and evolution to cognitive radio
FK Jondral
EURASIP journal on wireless communications and networking 2005, 1-9, 2005
A tractable model for noncoherent joint-transmission base station cooperation
R Tanbourgi, S Singh, JG Andrews, FK Jondral
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (9), 4959-4973, 2014
Calculation of detection and false alarm probabilities in spectrum pooling systems
J Hillenbrand, TA Weiss, FK Jondral
IEEE Communications letters 9 (4), 349-351, 2005
Advances in automotive radar: A framework on computationally efficient high-resolution frequency estimation
F Engels, P Heidenreich, AM Zoubir, FK Jondral, M Wintermantel
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 34 (2), 36-46, 2017
On the extraction of the channel allocation information in spectrum pooling systems
M Oner, F Jondral
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25 (3), 558-565, 2007
Cyclostationarity based air interface recognition for software radio systems
M Oner, F Jondral
Proceedings. 2004 IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference (IEEE Cat. No. 04TH8746 …, 2004
Low complexity CDMA downlink receiver based on frequency domain equalization
L Martoyo, T Weiss, F Capar, FK Jondral
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Maximum likelihood speed and distance estimation for OFDM radar
M Braun, C Sturm, FK Jondral
2010 IEEE Radar Conference, 256-261, 2010
Parametrization of joint OFDM-based radar and communication systems for vehicular applications
M Braun, C Sturm, A Niethammer, FK Jondral
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2009
Comparison of bandwidth utilization for controlled and uncontrolled channel assignment in a spectrum pooling system
F Capar, I Martoyo, T Weiss, F Jondral
Vehicular Technology Conference. IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference …, 2002
Cognitive radio: A communications engineering view
FK Jondral
IEEE Wireless Communications 14 (4), 28-33, 2007
Automatic classification of high frequency signals
F Jondral
Signal Processing 9 (3), 177-190, 1985
Dynamic and local combined pricing, allocation and billing system with cognitive radios
C Kloeck, H Jaekel, FK Jondral
First IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum …, 2005
Efficient signaling of spectral resources in spectrum pooling systems
T Weiss, J Hillenbrand, A Krohn, FK Jondral
Proc. 10th Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT), 2003
A low complexity modulation classification algorithm for MIMO systems
MS Muhlhaus, M Oner, OA Dobre, FK Jondral
IEEE Communications Letters 17 (10), 1881-1884, 2013
Effect of spatial interference correlation on the performance of maximum ratio combining
R Tanbourgi, HS Dhillon, JG Andrews, FK Jondral
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (6), 3307-3316, 2014
Dopplerprofile für Kommunikationssatelliten
F Jondral, M Kohl, C Hartmann
Frequenz 50 (5-6), 111-116, 1996
Air interface recognition for a software radio system exploiting cyclostationarity
M Oner, F Jondral
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
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