Introduction to hierarchical matrices with applications S Börm, L Grasedyck, W Hackbusch
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (5), 405-422, 2003
686 2003 Data-sparse Approximation by Adaptive H2-Matrices W Hackbusch, S Börm
Computing 69 (1), 1-35, 2002
325 2002 Efficient numerical methods for non-local operators: H2-matrix compression, algorithms and analysis S Börm
European Mathematical Society, 2010
260 2010 Hybrid cross approximation of integral operators S Börm, L Grasedyck
Numerische Mathematik 101 (2), 221-249, 2005
220 2005 Hybrid cross approximation of integral operators S Börm, L Grasedyck
Numerische Mathematik 101 (2), 221-249, 2005
220 2005 H2-matrix approximation of integral operators by interpolation W Hackbusch, S Börm
Applied Numerical Mathematics 43 (1-2), 129-143, 2002
188 2002 H2-matrix approximation of integral operators by interpolation W Hackbusch, S Börm
Applied Numerical Mathematics 43 (1-2), 129-143, 2002
188 2002 Hierarchical matrices S Börm, L Grasedyck, W Hackbusch
Lecture notes 21, 2003, 2003
170 * 2003 An introduction to hierarchical matrices W Hackbusch, L Grasedyck, S Börm
114 2001 Low-rank approximation of integral operators by interpolation S Börm, L Grasedyck
Computing 72 (3), 325-332, 2004
96 2004 Approximation of integral operators by variable-order interpolation S Börm, M Löhndorf, JM Melenk
Numerische Mathematik 99 (4), 605-643, 2005
89 2005 H2-Matrix Arithmetics in Linear Complexity S Börm
Computing 77 (1), 1-28, 2006
79 2006 Approximation of solution operators of elliptic partial differential equations by - and -matrices S Börm
Numerische Mathematik 115 (2), 165-193, 2010
78 2010 Analysis of tensor product multigrid S Börm, R Hiptmair
Numerical Algorithms 26 (3), 219-234, 2001
59 2001 H2-matrices – Multilevel methods for the approximation of integral operators S Börm
Computing and Visualization in Science 7 (3-4), 173-181, 2004
56 2004 Construction of data-sparse H2-matrices by hierarchical compression S Börm
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (3), 1820-1839, 2009
54 2009 H‐LU factorization in preconditioners for augmented Lagrangian and grad‐div stabilized saddle point systems S Börm, S Le Borne
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 68 (1), 83-98, 2012
50 2012 Approximating Gaussian Processes with H2-Matrices S Börm, J Garcke
Machine Learning: ECML 2007, 42-53, 2007
50 2007 Efficient numerical methods for non-local operators, volume 14 of EMS Tracts in Mathematics S Börm
European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich, 2010
49 2010 Directional H2‐matrix compression for high‐frequency problems S Börm
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 24 (6), 2017
46 2017