Roland Pfister
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Cited by
Binding and retrieval in action control (BRAC)
C Frings, B Hommel, I Koch, K Rothermund, D Dignath, C Giesen, ...
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 24 (5), 375-387, 2020
Good things peak in pairs: a note on the bimodality coefficient
R Pfister, KA Schwarz, M Janczyk, R Dale, JB Freeman
Frontiers in psychology 4, 700, 2013
Confidence intervals for two sample means: Calculation, interpretation, and a few simple rules
R Pfister, M Janczyk
Advances in cognitive psychology 9 (2), 74, 2013
Rethinking explicit expectations: connecting placebos, social cognition, and contextual perception
KA Schwarz, R Pfister, C Büchel
Trends in cognitive sciences 20 (6), 469-480, 2016
Learning at any rate: Action–effect learning for stimulus-based actions
R Pfister, A Kiesel, J Hoffmann
Psychological research 75, 61-65, 2011
Manipulating the alpha level cannot cure significance testing
D Trafimow, V Amrhein, CN Areshenkoff, CJ Barrera-Causil, EJ Beh, ...
Frontiers in psychology 9, 699, 2018
Adaptive control of ideomotor effect anticipations
R Pfister, A Kiesel, T Melcher
Acta psychologica 135 (3), 316-322, 2010
Who is talking in backward crosstalk? Disentangling response-from goal-conflict in dual-task performance
M Janczyk, R Pfister, B Hommel, W Kunde
Cognition 132 (1), 30-43, 2014
Effect-based action control with body-related effects: Implications for empirical approaches to ideomotor action control.
R Pfister
Psychological Review 126 (1), 153, 2019
Dissecting the response in response–effect compatibility
R Pfister, W Kunde
Experimental Brain Research 224, 647-655, 2013
Easy methods for extracting individual regression slopes: Comparing SPSS, R, and Excel
R Pfister, K Schwarz, R Carson, M Jancyzk
Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology 9 (2), 72-78, 2013
Effective rotations: action effects determine the interplay of mental and manual rotations.
M Janczyk, R Pfister, MA Crognale, W Kunde
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141 (3), 489, 2012
The neural substrate of the ideomotor principle revisited: Evidence for asymmetries in action-effect learning
T Melcher, D Winter, B Hommel, R Pfister, P Dechent, O Gruber
Neuroscience 231, 13-27, 2013
Inferenzstatistik verstehen
M Janczyk, R Pfister
Springer, 2013
It takes two to imitate: Anticipation and imitation in social interaction
R Pfister, D Dignath, B Hommel, W Kunde
Psychological Science 24 (10), 2117-2121, 2013
Action and perception in social contexts: intentional binding for social action effects
R Pfister, SS Obhi, M Rieger, D Wenke
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 667, 2014
Sensory attenuation prevails when controlling for temporal predictability of self-and externally generated tones
AL Klaffehn, P Baess, W Kunde, R Pfister
Neuropsychologia 132, 107145, 2019
The locus of tool-transformation costs.
W Kunde, R Pfister, M Janczyk
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (3), 703, 2012
Do we see it or not? Sensory attenuation in the visual domain.
KA Schwarz, R Pfister, M Kluge, L Weller, W Kunde
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (3), 418, 2018
Good vibrations? Vibrotactile self-stimulation reveals anticipation of body-related action effects in motor control
R Pfister, M Janczyk, M Gressmann, LR Fournier, W Kunde
Experimental Brain Research 232, 847-854, 2014
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20