Maria Garbusow
Maria Garbusow
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Model-based and model-free decisions in alcohol dependence
M Sebold, L Deserno, S Nebe, DJ Schad, M Garbusow, C Hägele, ...
Neuropsychobiology 70 (2), 122-131, 2014
P avlovian‐to‐instrumental transfer effects in the nucleus accumbens relate to relapse in alcohol dependence
M Garbusow, DJ Schad, M Sebold, E Friedel, N Bernhardt, SP Koch, ...
Addiction biology 21 (3), 719-731, 2016
When habits are dangerous: alcohol expectancies and habitual decision making predict relapse in alcohol dependence
M Sebold, S Nebe, M Garbusow, M Guggenmos, DJ Schad, A Beck, ...
Biological psychiatry 82 (11), 847-856, 2017
Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer in alcohol dependence: a pilot study
M Garbusow, DJ Schad, C Sommer, E Jünger, M Sebold, E Friedel, ...
Neuropsychobiology 70 (2), 111-121, 2014
Processing speed enhances model-based over model-free reinforcement learning in the presence of high working memory functioning
DJ Schad, E Jünger, M Sebold, M Garbusow, N Bernhardt, AH Javadi, ...
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1450, 2014
Quantitative neurobiological evidence for accelerated brain aging in alcohol dependence
M Guggenmos, K Schmack, M Sekutowicz, M Garbusow, M Sebold, ...
Translational psychiatry 7 (12), 1279, 2017
Dissociating neural learning signals in human sign-and goal-trackers
DJ Schad, MA Rapp, M Garbusow, S Nebe, M Sebold, E Obst, C Sommer, ...
Nature human behaviour 4 (2), 201-214, 2020
Hippocampal and frontolimbic function as intermediate phenotype for psychosis: evidence from healthy relatives and a common risk variant in CACNA1C
S Erk, A Meyer-Lindenberg, P Schmierer, S Mohnke, O Grimm, ...
Biological psychiatry 76 (6), 466-475, 2014
Larger amygdala volume in first-degree relatives of patients with major depression
N Romanczuk-Seiferth, L Pöhland, S Mohnke, M Garbusow, S Erk, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 5, 62-68, 2014
Neural alterations of fronto-striatal circuitry during reward anticipation in euthymic bipolar disorder
S Schreiter, S Spengler, A Willert, S Mohnke, D Herold, S Erk, ...
Psychological Medicine 46 (15), 3187-3198, 2016
Strong seduction: impulsivity and the impact of contextual cues on instrumental behavior in alcohol dependence
C Sommer, M Garbusow, E Juenger, S Pooseh, N Bernhardt, ...
Translational Psychiatry 7 (8), e1183-e1183, 2017
Don't think, just feel the music: Individuals with strong Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer effects rely less on model-based reinforcement learning
M Sebold, DJ Schad, S Nebe, M Garbusow, E Jünger, NB Kroemer, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 28 (7), 985-995, 2016
Too difficult to stop: mechanisms facilitating relapse in alcohol dependence
M Garbusow, M Sebold, A Beck, A Heinz
Neuropsychobiology 70 (2), 103-110, 2014
Further evidence for the impact of a genome-wide-supported psychosis risk variant in ZNF804A on the Theory of Mind Network
S Mohnke, S Erk, K Schnell, C Schütz, N Romanczuk-Seiferth, O Grimm, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 39 (5), 1196-1205, 2014
Altered DLPFC–hippocampus connectivity during working memory: Independent replication and disorder specificity of a putative genetic risk phenotype for schizophrenia
M Schneider, H Walter, C Moessnang, A Schäfer, S Erk, S Mohnke, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 43 (5), 1114-1122, 2017
Neural correlates of instrumental responding in the context of alcohol-related cues index disorder severity and relapse risk
DJ Schad, M Garbusow, E Friedel, C Sommer, M Sebold, C Hägele, ...
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 269, 295-308, 2019
Model-based and model-free control predicts alcohol consumption developmental trajectory in young adults: a 3-year prospective study
H Chen, N Mojtahedzadeh, MJ Belanger, S Nebe, S Kuitunen-Paul, ...
Biological psychiatry 89 (10), 980-989, 2021
Theory of mind network activity is altered in subjects with familial liability for schizophrenia
S Mohnke, S Erk, K Schnell, N Romanczuk-Seiferth, P Schmierer, ...
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 11 (2), 299-307, 2016
Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer and alcohol consumption in young male social drinkers: behavioral, neural and polygenic correlates
M Garbusow, S Nebe, C Sommer, S Kuitunen-Paul, M Sebold, DJ Schad, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 8 (8), 1188, 2019
Dysfunctional approach behavior triggered by alcohol‐unrelated Pavlovian cues predicts long‐term relapse in alcohol dependence
C Sommer, J Birkenstock, M Garbusow, E Obst, DJ Schad, N Bernhardt, ...
Addiction biology 25 (1), e12703, 2020
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