Thomas Kopp
Thomas Kopp
Professor for Economics and their Didactics at University of Siegen, Germany
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Auf Kosten anderer? Wie die imperiale Lebensweise ein gutes Leben für alle verhindert
T Kopp, M Becker, S Decker, J Eicker, H Engelmann, I Eradze, F Forster, ...
München: oekom, 2017
The net climate effect of digitalization, differentiating between firms and households
T Kopp, M Nabernegg, S Lange
Energy Economics 126, 106941, 2023
Assessment of socio-economic functions of tropical lowland transformation systems in Indonesia-sampling framework and methodological approach
H Faust, S Schwarze, B Beckert, B Brümmer, C Dittrich, M Euler, M Gatto, ...
EFForTS discussion paper series, 2013
Farmers, traders, and processors: buyer market power and double marginalization in Indonesia
T Kopp, RJ Sexton
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 103 (2), 543-568, 2021
Traders’ market power along Indonesian rubber value chains
T Kopp, B Brümmer
China Agricultural Economic Review 9 (2), 169-187, 2017
Do mature economies grow exponentially?
S Lange, P Pütz, T Kopp
Ecological Economics 147, 123-133, 2018
Welfare implications of intertemporal marketing margin manipulation
T Kopp, B Brümmer, Z Alamsyah, RS Fatricia
British Food Journal 119 (8), 1656-1671, 2017
Inequality and environmental impact–can the two be reduced jointly?
T Kopp, M Nabernegg
Ecological Economics 201, 107589, 2022
Labor displacement in agriculture: Evidence from oil palm expansion in Indonesia
C Kubitza, VV Krishna, S Klasen, T Kopp, N Nuryartono, M Qaim
Land Economics 100 (3), 547-567, 2024
Perishability and market power in Nepalese food crop production
T Kopp, AK Mishra
Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (2), 518-540, 2022
Have Indonesian rubber processors formed a cartel? Analysis of intertemporal marketing margin manipulation
T Kopp, Z Alamsyah, RS Fatricia, B Brümmer
EFForTS Discussion Paper Series, 2014
How traders influence their neighbours: Modelling social evolutionary processes and peer effects in agricultural trade networks
T Kopp, J Salecker
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 117, 103944, 2020
Preference erosion–the case of everything but arms and sugar
T Kopp, S Prehn, B Brümmer
The World Economy 39 (9), 1339-1359, 2016
Auf Kosten anderer
T Kopp, U Brand, B Muraca, M Wissen
Wie die imperiale Lebensweise ein gutes Leben für alle verhindert, München …, 2017
Price transmission in international crude palm oil markets: The effects of export tax of Indonesia
I Manurung, B Bruemmer, T Kopp
International Conference on Trade 2019 (ICOT 2019), 69-73, 2019
Can the Tripartite Rubber Council manipulate international rubber prices?
T Kopp, B Dalheimer, Z Alamsyah, M Yanita, B Brümmer
EFForTS Discussion Paper Series, 2019
Choice of marketing channels by rubber small traders in the Jambi Province, Indonesia
RM Sujarwo, T Kopp, R Nurmalina, RW Asmarantak, B Ummer
Tropentag 2014: Conference Proceedings, 2014
Agricultural marketing channels and market prices: Evidence from high-value crop producers in India
AH Villacis, T Kopp, AK Mishra
Economic Analysis and Policy 81, 1308-1321, 2024
When switching costs cause market power: Rubber processing in Indonesia
T Kopp
Agricultural Economics 53 (3), 481-495, 2022
Environmental Engel Curves with predicted consumption of high-income households, applied to Ecuador
M Nabernegg, S Nabernegg, T Kopp
Manuscript, 2023
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