Jan Olhager
Jan Olhager
Professor in Supply Chain and Operations Strategy, Lund University
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Supply chain integration and performance: The effects of long-term relationships, information technology and sharing, and logistics integration
D Prajogo, J Olhager
International journal of production economics 135 (1), 514-522, 2012
Strategic positioning of the order penetration point
J Olhager
International journal of production economics 85 (3), 319-329, 2003
Lean and agile manufacturing: external and internal drivers and performance outcomes
M Hallgren, J Olhager
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29 (10), 976-999, 2009
Produktionsekonomi: principer och metoder för utformning, styrning och utveckling av industriell produktion
J Olhager
Studentlitteratur, 2013
Manufacturing networks and supply chains: an operations strategy perspective
M Rudberg, J Olhager
Omega 31 (1), 29-39, 2003
Performance simulation of supply chain designs
F Persson, J Olhager
International journal of production economics 77 (3), 231-245, 2002
Supply chain processes: Linking supply logistics integration, supply performance, lean processes and competitive performance
D Prajogo, A Oke, J Olhager
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 36 (2), 220-238, 2016
Long-term capacity management: Linking the perspectives from manufacturing strategy and sales and operations planning
J Olhager, M Rudberg, J Wikner
International journal of production economics 69 (2), 215-225, 2001
Enterprise resource planning survey of Swedish manufacturing firms
J Olhager, E Selldin
European Journal of Operational Research 146 (2), 365-373, 2003
Supply chain evolution–theory, concepts and science
BL MacCarthy, C Blome, J Olhager, JS Srai, X Zhao
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 36 (12), 1696-1718, 2016
The role of the customer order decoupling point in production and supply chain management
J Olhager
Computers in industry 61 (9), 863-868, 2010
Manufacturing facility location and sustainability: A literature review and research agenda
L Chen, J Olhager, O Tang
International Journal of Production Economics 149, 154-163, 2014
Information sharing across multiple supply chain tiers: A Delphi study on antecedents
J Kembro, D Näslund, J Olhager
International Journal of Production Economics 193, 77-86, 2017
Linking products with supply chains: testing Fisher's model
E Selldin, J Olhager
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 12 (1), 42-51, 2007
Supply chain management survey of Swedish manufacturing firms
J Olhager, E Selldin
International Journal of Production Economics 89 (3), 353-361, 2004
Manufacturing backshoring: a systematic literature review
J Stentoft, J Olhager, J Heikkilä, L Thoms
Operations Management Research 9, 53-61, 2016
Evolution of operations planning and control: from production to supply chains
J Olhager
International journal of production research 51 (23-24), 6836-6843, 2013
An integrated push-pull manufacturing strategy
J Olhager, B Östlund
European Journal of Operational Research 45 (2-3), 135-142, 1990
The house of flexibility: using the QFD approach to deploy manufacturing flexibility
J Olhager, BM West
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 22 (1), 50-79, 2002
Flexibility configurations: Empirical analysis of volume and product mix flexibility
M Hallgren, J Olhager
Omega 37 (4), 746-756, 2009
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