Lorenz Schauer
Lorenz Schauer
BMW Group
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Cited by
Estimating crowd densities and pedestrian flows using wi-fi and bluetooth
L Schauer, M Werner, P Marcus
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2014
Potentials and limitations of WIFI-positioning using Time-of-Flight
L Schauer, F Dorfmeister, M Maier
Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), 2013 International …, 2013
DeepMoVIPS: Visual indoor positioning using transfer learning
M Werner, C Hahn, L Schauer
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2016
Towards feasible Wi-Fi based indoor tracking systems using probabilistic methods
L Schauer, P Marcus, C Linnhoff-Popien
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2016
Analyzing passive Wi-Fi fingerprinting for privacy-preserving indoor-positioning
L Schauer, F Dorfmeister, F Wirth
2016 International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS), 1-6, 2016
Reliable trajectory classification using Wi-Fi signal strength in indoor scenarios
M Werner, L Schauer, A Scharf
2014 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium-PLANS 2014, 663-670, 2014
Probetags: Privacy-preserving proximity detection using wi-fi management frames
M Maier, L Schauer, F Dorfmeister
2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2015
Analyzing Pedestrian Flows Based on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Captures
L Schauer, M Werner
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Ubiquitous Environments 15 (4), 2015
Extracting context information from wi-fi captures
L Schauer, C Linnhoff-Popien
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies …, 2017
Analyzing the digital society by tracking mobile customer devices
L Schauer
Digital Marketplaces Unleashed, 467-478, 2018
Wi-Fi tracking threatens users’ privacy in fingerprinting techniques
L Schauer
Geographical and Fingerprinting Data to Create Systems for Indoor …, 2019
Indoor navigation using virtual anchor points
EJ Hoffmann, M Werner, L Schauer
2016 European Navigation Conference (ENC), 1-8, 2016
Robust pedestrian dead reckoning using anchor point recalibration
EJ Hoffmann, L Schauer, M Schönfeld, M Kraus
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2017
Der Flughafen als Smart City: Neues erstellen, Bestehendes verändern
L Schauer, A Hirschleb, M Zaddach
Informatik-Spektrum 39 (2), 115-121, 2016
Discovering hotspots: A placement strategy for Wi-Fi based trajectory monitoring within buildings
L Schauer
2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 371-380, 2015
Clustering of Inertial Indoor Positioning Data
L Schauer, M Werner
1st KuVS Expert Talk on Localization, 2015
Kunden-Monitoring im stationären Handel
L Schauer, M Werner
Marktplätze im Umbruch: Digitale Strategien für Services im Mobilen Internet …, 2015
Classification of vehicle types in car parks using computer vision techniques
C Marouane, L Schauer, P Bauer
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web 2 (7), e5-e5, 2015
Location–Aware RBAC Based on Spatial Feature Models and Realistic Positioning
P Marcus, L Schauer, C Linnhoff–Popien
Risks and Security of Internet and Systems: 9th International Conference …, 2015
Compression of GPS Trajectories using Autoencoders
M Kölle, S Illium, C Hahn, L Schauer, J Hutter, C Linnhoff-Popien
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.07420, 2023
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Articles 1–20