Hans Neuner
Hans Neuner
Professor Engineering Geodesy, TU Wien
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Auswertung geodätischer Überwachungsmessungen
A Eichhorn, O Heunecke, H Kuhlmann, HB Neuner, W Welsch
Wichmann eine Marke der VDE Verlag, 2013
Auswertung geodaetischer überwachungsmessungen
M Möser, G Müller, H Schlemmer, O Heunecke, H Kuhlmann, W Welsch, ...
Choosing the optimal number of B-spline control points (Part 1: Methodology and approximation of curves)
C Harmening, H Neuner
Journal of Applied Geodesy 10 (3), 139-157, 2016
Overview on current modelling strategies of point clouds for deformation analysis
H Neuner, C Holst, H Kuhlmann
Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten: AVN; Zeitschrift für alle Bereiche der …, 2016
Curve and surface approximation of 3D point clouds
J Bureick, HB Neuner, C Harmening, I Neumann
allgemeine vermessungs-nachrichten 123 (11-12), 315-327, 2016
Sensing and monitoring in tunnels testing and monitoring methods for the assessment of tunnels
A Strauss, J Bien, H Neuner, C Harmening, C Seywald, M Österreicher, ...
Structural concrete 21 (4), 1356-1376, 2020
Calibration of terrestrial laser scanners
C Holst, H Neuner, A Wieser, T Wunderlich, H Kuhlmann
Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten: AVN; Zeitschrift für alle Bereiche der …, 2016
Investigation on the influence of the incidence angle on the reflectorless distance measurement of a terrestrial laser scanner
M Zámečníková, H Neuner, S Pegritz, R Sonnleitner
Iulia Dana Negula, Violeta Poenaru 37, 2015
A constraint-based parameterization technique for B-spline surfaces
C Harmening, H Neuner
Journal of Applied Geodesy 9 (3), 143-161, 2015
A spatio-temporal deformation model for laser scanning point clouds
C Harmening, H Neuner
Journal of Geodesy 94, 1-25, 2020
Knot estimation on B-Spline curves
C Schmitt, HB Neuner
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Vermessung und Geoinformation (VGI …, 2015
Choosing the optimal number of B-spline control points (Part 2: Approximation of surfaces and applications)
C Harmening, H Neuner
Journal of Applied Geodesy 11 (1), 43-52, 2017
Integrated trajectory estimation for 3D kinematic mapping with GNSS, INS and imaging sensors: A framework and review
F Pöppl, H Neuner, G Mandlburger, N Pfeifer
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 196, 287-305, 2023
Deriving adequate sample sizes for ANN-based modelling of real estate valuation tasks by complexity analysis
S Horvath, M Soot, S Zaddach, H Neuner, A Weitkamp
Land Use Policy 107, 105475, 2021
Comparison of sequential Monte Carlo filtering with Kalman filtering for nonlinear state estimation
H Alkhatib, I Neumann, H Neuner, H Kutterer
1st International Conference on Machine Control Guidance, 1-11, 2008
Laser Scanner–Based Deformation Analysis Using Approximating B-Spline Surfaces
C Harmening, C Hobmaier, H Neuner
Remote Sensing 13 (18), 3551, 2021
System identification of a robot arm with extended Kalman filter and artificial neural networks
S Horvath, H Neuner
Journal of Applied Geodesy 13 (2), 135-150, 2019
Methods for quantification of systematic distance deviations under incidence angle with scanning total stations
M Zámečníková, H Neuner
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 144, 268-284, 2018
Neural network based radio fingerprint similarity measure
B Dong, T Burgess, HB Neuner, S Fercher
2018 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2018
Development of a Kalman filter in the Gauss-Helmert model for reliability analysis in orientation determination with smartphone sensors
A Ettlinger, H Neuner, T Burgess
Sensors 18 (2), 414, 2018
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