Waltraud Schelkle
Waltraud Schelkle
Professor of European Public Policy
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The political economy of monetary solidarity: understanding the euro experiment
W Schelkle
Oxford University Press, 2017
A crisis of what? Mortgage credit markets and the social policy of promoting homeownership in the United States and in Europe
W Schelkle
Politics & society 40 (1), 59-80, 2012
EU Fiscal Governance: Hard Law in the Shadow of Soft Law?’(2007)
W Schelkle
Columbia Journal of European Law 13, 3, 0
Bringing Macroeconomics Back into the Political Economy of Reform: the Lisbon Agenda and the ‘Fiscal Philosophy’of EMU*
D Mabbett, W Schelkle
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 45 (1), 81-103, 2007
Fiscal integration in an experimental union: how path-breaking was the EU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic?
W Schelkle
Journal of Common Market Studies, 2021
Independent or lonely? Central banking in crisis
D Mabbett, W Schelkle
Review of International Political Economy 26 (3), 436-460, 2019
What difference does Euro membership make to stabilization? The political economy of international monetary systems revisited
D Mabbett, W Schelkle
Review of International Political Economy 22 (3), 508-534, 2015
Fiscal integration by default
W Schelkle
Beyond the Regulatory Polity? The European Integration of Core State Powers, 2013
The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy Co‐ordination in EMU: From Disciplinarian Device to Insurance Arrangement*
W Schelkle
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 43 (2), 371-391, 2005
Searching under the lamppost
D Mabbett, W Schelkle
The Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis, 122-144, 2016
Searching Under the Lamppost
D Mabbett, W Schelkle
Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis, 122, 2016
Policymaking in hard times: French and German responses to the Eurozone crisis
W Schelkle
Coping with Crisis: Government Reactions to the Great Recession. New York …, 2012
Good governance in crisis or a good crisis for governance? A comparison of the EU and the US
W Schelkle
Review of International Political Economy 19 (1), 34-58, 2012
Monetäre Integration: Bestandsaufnahme und Weiterentwicklung der neueren Theorie
W Schelkle
Springer-Verlag, 2013
The pact is dead: long live the pact
I Begg, W Schelkle
National Institute Economic Review 189, 86-98, 2004
The Optimum Currency Area Approach to European Monetary Integration: Framework of Debate or Dead End?
W Schelkle
London South Bank University, Centre for International Business Studies, 2001
The contentious creation of the regulatory state in fiscal surveillance
W Schelkle
West European Politics 32 (4), 829-846, 2009
The Theory and Practice of Economic Governance in EMU Revisited: What Have we Learnt About Commitment and Credibility?*
W Schelkle
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 44 (4), 669-685, 2006
Buying time for democracies? European Union emergency politics in the time of COVID-19
Z Truchlewski, W Schelkle, J Ganderson
West European Politics 44 (5-6), 1353-1375, 2021
In the Spotlight of Crisis How Social Policies Create, Correct, and Compensate Financial Markets
W Schelkle
Politics & society 40 (1), 3-8, 2012
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