Jens Klose
Jens Klose
THM Business School, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
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(How) do the ECB and the Fed react to financial market uncertainty? The Taylor rule in times of crisis
A Belke, J Klose
COVID-19 and Financial Markets: A Panel analysis for European countries
J Klose, P Tillmann
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 241 (3), 297-347, 2021
Sovereign yield spreads during the euro crisis: Fundamental factors versus redenomination risk
J Klose, B Weigert
International Finance 17 (1), 25-50, 2014
Does the ECB rely on a Taylor rule during the financial crisis? Comparing ex-post and real time data with real time forecasts
A Belke, J Klose
Economic analysis and policy 41 (2), 147-171, 2011
Modifying Taylor reaction functions in the presence of the zero‐lower‐bound—Evidence for the ECB and the Fed
A Belke, J Klose
Economic Modelling 35, 515-527, 2013
Who gains from nominal devaluation? An empirical assessment of euro‐area exports and imports
S Breuer, J Klose
The World Economy 38 (12), 1966-1989, 2015
Asymmetric Taylor reaction functions of the ECB: An approach depending on the state of the economy
J Klose
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 22 (2), 149-163, 2011
Equilibrium real interest rates and secular stagnation: An empirical analysis for euro area member countries
A Belke, J Klose
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 55 (6), 1221-1238, 2017
Political business cycles and monetary policy revisited–an application of a two-dimensional asymmetric Taylor reaction function
J Klose
International Economics and Economic Policy 9 (3), 265-295, 2012
Does the ECB Rely on a Taylor Rule?: Comparing Ex-post with Real Time Data
AH Belke, J Klose
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2009
Equilibrium real interest rates and the financial cycle: Empirical evidence for Euro area member countries
A Belke, J Klose
Economic modelling 84, 357-366, 2020
A simple way to overcome the zero lower bound of interest rates for central banks: Evidence from the Fed and the ECB within the financial crisis
J Klose
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 4 (3), 279-296, 2011
Equilibrium real interest rates for the BRICS countries
J Klose
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries 21, e00155, 2020
Determining structural breaks in central bank reaction functions of the financial crisis
J Klose
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries 11, 78-90, 2014
Are Eastern European Taylor reaction functions asymmetric in inflation or output? Empirical evidence for four countries
J Klose
Eastern European Economics 57 (1), 31-49, 2019
Stock market response to Covid-19, containment measures and stabilization policies—The case of Europe
J Klose, P Tillmann
International Economics 173, 29-44, 2023
Negativzinsen, Überschussreserven und Tiering der EZB: Wie stark sind die Banken belastet?
J Klose
Wirtschaftsdienst 100 (5), 374-379, 2020
ECB and Fed crisis policies at the zero-lower-bound–An empirical assessment based on modified reaction functions
A Belke, J Klose
Briefing paper prepared for presentation at the Committee on Economic and …, 2012
Empirical effects of sanctions and support measures on stock prices and exchange rates in the Russia–Ukraine war
J Klose
Global Finance Journal 59, 100925, 2024
Forecasting exchange rates with commodity prices—a global country analysis
M Baumgärtner, J Klose
The world economy 42 (9), 2546-2565, 2019
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