Matthias Bornitz
Matthias Bornitz
TU Dresden
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Experimental investigations of the use of cartilage in tympanic membrane reconstruction
T Zahnert, KB Hüttenbrink, D Mürbe, M Bornitz
Otology & Neurotology 21 (3), 322-328, 2000
Acoustic properties of different cartilage reconstruction techniques of the tympanic membrane
D Mürbe, T Zahnert, M Bornitz, KB Hüttenbrink
The Laryngoscope 112 (10), 1769-1776, 2002
Noise exposure of the inner ear during drilling a cochleostomy for cochlear implantation
HW Pau, T Just, M Bornitz, N Lasurashvilli, T Zahnert
The Laryngoscope 117 (3), 535-540, 2007
Modelling of components of the human middle ear and simulation of their dynamic behaviour
HJ Beer, M Bornitz, HJ Hardtke, R Schmidt, G Hofmann, U Vogel, ...
Audiology and Neurotology 4 (3-4), 156-162, 1999
Partial ossicular reconstruction: comparison of three different prostheses in clinical and experimental studies
M Neudert, T Zahnert, N Lasurashvili, M Bornitz, Z Lavcheva, C Offergeld
Otology & neurotology 30 (3), 332-338, 2009
TORP-vibroplasty: a new alternative for the chronically disabled middle ear
KB Hüttenbrink, T Zahnert, M Bornitz, D Beutner
Otology & Neurotology 29 (7), 965-971, 2008
Vibroplasty for mixed and conductive hearing loss
JC Luers, KB Hüttenbrink, T Zahnert, M Bornitz, D Beutner
Otology & Neurotology 34 (6), 1005-1012, 2013
Finite element modeling of the human eardrum and applications
HJ Beer, M Bornitz, J Drescher, R Schmidt, HJ Hardtke, G Hofmann, ...
Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otosurgery. Proceedings of the …, 1996
Evaluation of implantable actuators by means of a middle ear simulation model
M Bornitz, HJ Hardtke, T Zahnert
Hearing research 263 (1-2), 145-151, 2010
Identification of parameters for the middle ear model
M Bornitz, T Zahnert, HJ Hardtke, KB Hüttenbrink
Audiology and Neurotology 4 (3-4), 163-169, 1999
Clip vibroplasty: experimental evaluation and first clinical results
KB Hüttenbrink, D Beutner, M Bornitz, JC Luers, T Zahnert
Otology & Neurotology 32 (4), 650-653, 2011
Investigation of the human tympanic membrane oscillation ex vivo by Doppler optical coherence tomography
A Burkhardt, L Kirsten, M Bornitz, T Zahnert, E Koch
Journal of Biophotonics 7 (6), 434-441, 2014
Biomimetic tympanic membrane replacement made by melt electrowriting
M von Witzleben, T Stoppe, T Ahlfeld, A Bernhardt, ML Polk, M Bornitz, ...
Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (10), 2002089, 2021
Implantierbare Hörsysteme
M Tisch
Laryngo-rhino-otologie 96 (S 01), S84-S102, 2017
Endoscopic optical coherence tomography with wide field-of-view for the morphological and functional assessment of the human tympanic membrane
L Kirsten, M Schindler, J Morgenstern, MT Erkkilä, J Golde, J Walther, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 24 (3), 031017-031017, 2019
Sound transfer of active middle ear implants
T Beleites, M Neudert, M Bornitz, T Zahnert
Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 47 (6), 859-891, 2014
Osseointegration of titanium prostheses on the stapes footplate
M Neudert, T Beleites, M Ney, A Kluge, N Lasurashvili, M Bornitz, ...
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 11, 161-171, 2010
Biomechanical aspects in implantable microphones and hearing aids and development of a concept with a hydroacoustical transmission
KB Hüttenbrink, TH Zahnert, M Bornitz, G Hofmann
Acta oto-laryngologica 121 (2), 185-189, 2001
The ostrich middle ear for developing an ideal ossicular replacement prosthesis
I Arechvo, T Zahnert, M Bornitz, M Neudert, N Lasurashvili, ...
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 270, 37-44, 2013
Experimental investigation of rotational tomography in reconstructed middle ears with clinical implications
C Offergeld, J Kromeier, SN Merchant, N Lasurashvili, M Neudert, ...
Hearing research 263 (1-2), 191-197, 2010
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