Marios Georgiadis
Marios Georgiadis
Instructor, Stanford University School of Medicine
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Cited by
Nanostructure surveys of macroscopic specimens by small-angle scattering tensor tomography
M Liebi, M Georgiadis, A Menzel, P Schneider, J Kohlbrecher, O Bunk, ...
Nature 527 (7578), 349-352, 2015
Advanced glycation end-products diminish tendon collagen fiber sliding
Y Li, G Fessel, M Georgiadis, JG Snedeker
Matrix Biology 32 (3), 169-177, 2013
Techniques to assess bone ultrastructure organization: orientation and arrangement of mineralized collagen fibrils
M Georgiadis, R Müller, P Schneider
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13 (119), 20160088, 2016
Micro-immunohistochemistry using a microfluidic probe
RD Lovchik, GV Kaigala, M Georgiadis, E Delamarche
Lab on a Chip 12 (6), 1040-1043, 2012
3D scanning SAXS: A novel method for the assessment of bone ultrastructure orientation
M Georgiadis, M Guizar-Sicairos, A Zwahlen, AJ Trüssel, O Bunk, ...
Bone 71, 42-52, 2015
Small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography: Model of the three-dimensional reciprocal-space map, reconstruction algorithm and angular sampling requirements
M Liebi, M Georgiadis, J Kohlbrecher, M Holler, J Raabe, I Usov, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 74 (1), 12-24, 2018
Nanostructure-specific X-ray tomography reveals myelin levels, integrity and axon orientations in mouse and human nervous tissue
M Georgiadis, A Schroeter, Z Gao, M Guizar-Sicairos, M Liebi, C Leuze, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2941, 2021
Iron and Alzheimer’s disease: from pathology to imaging
D Tran, P DiGiacomo, DE Born, M Georgiadis, M Zeineh
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 838692, 2022
High-speed tensor tomography: iterative reconstruction tensor tomography (IRTT) algorithm
Z Gao, M Guizar-Sicairos, V Lutz-Bueno, A Schröter, M Liebi, M Rudin, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 75 (2), 223-238, 2019
Ultrastructure organization of human trabeculae assessed by 3D sSAXS and relation to bone microarchitecture
M Georgiadis, M Guizar-Sicairos, O Gschwend, P Hangartner, O Bunk, ...
PLoS One 11 (8), e0159838, 2016
Retrieving neuronal orientations using 3D scanning SAXS and comparison with diffusion MRI
M Georgiadis, A Schroeter, Z Gao, M Guizar-Sicairos, DS Novikov, ...
NeuroImage 204, 116214, 2020
Toward a comprehensive delineation of white matter tract-related deformation
Z Zhou, X Li, Y Liu, M Fahlstedt, M Georgiadis, X Zhan, SJ Raymond, ...
Journal of neurotrauma 38 (23), 3260-3278, 2021
Validation study of small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography
M Guizar-Sicairos, M Georgiadis, M Liebi
Journal of synchrotron radiation 27 (3), 779-787, 2020
SAXS imaging reveals optimized osseointegration properties of bioengineered oriented 3D-PLGA/aCaP scaffolds in a critical size bone defect model
EA Casanova, A Rodriguez-Palomo, L Stähli, K Arnke, O Gröninger, ...
Biomaterials 294, 121989, 2023
The presence of the temporal horn exacerbates the vulnerability of hippocampus during head impacts
Z Zhou, X Li, AG Domel, EL Dennis, M Georgiadis, Y Liu, SJ Raymond, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10, 754344, 2022
Neuroradiologic evaluation of MRI in high-contact sports
D McAllister, C Akers, B Boldt, LA Mitchell, E Tranvinh, D Douglas, ...
Frontiers in Neurology 12, 701948, 2021
Longitudinal Alterations of Cerebral Blood Flow in High‐Contact Sports
M Karimpoor, M Georgiadis, MY Zhao, M Goubran, H Moein Taghavi, ...
Annals of Neurology 94 (3), 457-469, 2023
Microstructural alterations in tract development in college football and volleyball players: a longitudinal diffusion MRI study
M Goubran, BD Mills, M Georgiadis, M Karimpoor, N Mouchawar, S Sami, ...
Neurology 101 (9), e953-e965, 2023
Imaging crossing fibers in mouse, pig, monkey, and human brain using small-angle X-ray scattering
M Georgiadis, M Menzel, JA Reuter, DE Born, SR Kovacevich, D Alvarez, ...
Acta biomaterialia 164, 317-331, 2023
Using light and X-ray scattering to untangle complex neuronal orientations and validate diffusion MRI
M Menzel, D Gräßel, I Rajkovic, MM Zeineh, M Georgiadis
Elife 12, e84024, 2023
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Articles 1–20