Paul Igor Costea
Paul Igor Costea
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Cited by
Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics
PL Ståhl, F Salmén, S Vickovic, A Lundmark, JF Navarro, J Magnusson, ...
Science 353 (6294), 78-82, 2016
Environment dominates over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota
D Rothschild, O Weissbrod, E Barkan, A Kurilshikov, T Korem, D Zeevi, ...
Nature 555 (7695), 210-215, 2018
Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome
S Sunagawa, LP Coelho, S Chaffron, JR Kultima, K Labadie, G Salazar, ...
Science 348 (6237), 1261359, 2015
Disentangling type 2 diabetes and metformin treatment signatures in the human gut microbiota
K Forslund, F Hildebrand, T Nielsen, G Falony, E Le Chatelier, ...
Nature 528 (7581), 262-266, 2015
Salt-responsive gut commensal modulates TH17 axis and disease
N Wilck, MG Matus, SM Kearney, SW Olesen, K Forslund, ...
Nature 551 (7682), 585-589, 2017
Potential of fecal microbiota for early‐stage detection of colorectal cancer
G Zeller, J Tap, AY Voigt, S Sunagawa, JR Kultima, PI Costea, A Amiot, ...
Molecular systems biology 10 (11), 766, 2014
Enterotypes in the landscape of gut microbial community composition
PI Costea, F Hildebrand, M Arumugam, F Bäckhed, MJ Blaser, ...
Nature microbiology 3 (1), 8-16, 2018
Towards standards for human fecal sample processing in metagenomic studies
PI Costea, G Zeller, S Sunagawa, E Pelletier, A Alberti, F Levenez, ...
Nature biotechnology 35 (11), 1069-1076, 2017
Durable coexistence of donor and recipient strains after fecal microbiota transplantation
SS Li, A Zhu, V Benes, PI Costea, R Hercog, F Hildebrand, ...
Science 352 (6285), 586-589, 2016
Extensive transmission of microbes along the gastrointestinal tract
TSB Schmidt, MR Hayward, LP Coelho, SS Li, PI Costea, AY Voigt, ...
elife 8, e42693, 2019
Microbial abundance, activity and population genomic profiling with mOTUs2
A Milanese, DR Mende, L Paoli, G Salazar, HJ Ruscheweyh, M Cuenca, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1014, 2019
Selective maternal seeding and environment shape the human gut microbiome
K Korpela, P Costea, LP Coelho, S Kandels-Lewis, G Willemsen, ...
Genome research 28 (4), 561-568, 2018
Similarity of the dog and human gut microbiomes in gene content and response to diet
LP Coelho, JR Kultima, PI Costea, C Fournier, Y Pan, ...
Microbiome 6, 1-11, 2018
Temporal and technical variability of human gut metagenomes
AY Voigt, PI Costea, JR Kultima, SS Li, G Zeller, S Sunagawa, P Bork
Genome biology 16, 1-12, 2015
Tara Oceans coordinators
S Sunagawa, LP Coelho, S Chaffron, JR Kultima, K Labadie, G Salazar, ...
Bowler C, de Vargas C, Gorsky G, Grimsley N, Hingamp P, Iudicone D, Jaillon …, 2015
The microbiomes of blowflies and houseflies as bacterial transmission reservoirs
ACM Junqueira, A Ratan, E Acerbi, DI Drautz-Moses, BNV Premkrishnan, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16324, 2017
Subspecies in the global human gut microbiome
PI Costea, LP Coelho, S Sunagawa, R Munch, J Huerta‐Cepas, ...
Molecular systems biology 13 (12), 960, 2017
metaSNV: a tool for metagenomic strain level analysis
PI Costea, R Munch, LP Coelho, L Paoli, S Sunagawa, P Bork
PloS one 12 (7), e0182392, 2017
A fair comparison
PI Costea, G Zeller, S Sunagawa, P Bork
Nature methods 11 (4), 359-359, 2014
Antibiotics-induced monodominance of a novel gut bacterial order
F Hildebrand, L Moitinho-Silva, S Blasche, MT Jahn, TI Gossmann, ...
Gut 68 (10), 1781-1790, 2019
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Articles 1–20