Dr Luciana Zedda
Dr Luciana Zedda
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Climate change fosters the decline of epiphytic Lobaria species in Italy
J Nascimbene, G Casazza, R Benesperi, I Catalano, D Cataldo, M Grillo, ...
Biological conservation 201, 377-384, 2016
Experimental climate warming decreases photosynthetic efficiency of lichens in an arid South African ecosystem
KW Maphangwa, CF Musil, L Raitt, L Zedda
Oecologia 169 (1), 257-268, 2012
The epiphytic lichens on Quercus in Sardinia (Italy) and their value as ecological indicators.
L Zedda
The diversity of lichenised fungi: ecosystem functions and ecosystem services
L Zedda, G Rambold
Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and Approaches in Lichen …, 2015
Distribution patterns of soil lichens across the principal biomes of southern Africa
L Zedda, A Gröngröft, M Schultz, A Petersen, A Mills, G Rambold
Journal of Arid Environments 75 (2), 215-220, 2011
Differential interception and evaporation of fog, dew and water vapour and elemental accumulation by lichens explain their relative abundance in a coastal desert
KW Maphangwa, CF Musil, L Raitt, L Zedda
Journal of Arid Environments 82, 71-80, 2012
A revision of the lichen genus Lepraria s. lat. in Italy
L Baruffo, L Zedda, JA Elix, M Tretiach
Nova Hedwigia 83 (3-4), 387-429, 2006
Diversity and ecology of terricolous bryophyte and lichen communities in coastal areas of Sardinia (Italy)
A Cogoni, G Brundu, L Zedda
Nova Hedwigia 92 (1), 159, 2011
The BIOTA observatories
DH Haarmeyer, L Zedda, G Rambold
Hess, 2010
Impacts of alien plants and man‐made disturbance on soil‐growing bryophyte and lichen diversity in coastal areas of Sardinia (Italy)
L Zedda, A Cogoni, F Flore, G Brundu
Plant Biosystems 144 (3), 547-562, 2010
Lecanora leuckertiana sp. nov.(lichenized Ascomycetes, Lecanorales) from Italy, Greece, Morocco and Spain
L Zedda
Nova Hedwigia 71 (1), 107-112, 2000
Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Syria, including a first checklist
V John, MRD Seaward, HJM Sipman, L Zedda
Herzogia 17, 157-177, 2004
LIAS light–towards the ten thousand species milestone
G Rambold, JA Elix, B Heindl-Tenhunen, T Köhler, TH Nash III, ...
MycoKeys 8, 11-16, 2014
Diversity and ecology of soil lichens in the Knersvlakte (South Africa)
L Zedda, G Rambold
The Bryologist 112 (1), 19-29, 2009
Lichens and lichenicolous fungi on Juniperus oxycedrus L. in Campu Su Disterru (Sardinia, Italy)
L Zedda, HJM Sipman
Bocconea 13, 309-328, 2001
Diversity change of soil-growing lichens along a climate gradient in Southern Africa
L Zedda, G Rambold
Bibliotheca Lichenologica 88, 701-716, 2004
New records of lichen taxa from Namibia and South Africa
M Schultz, L Zedda, G Rambold
Bibliotheca Lichenologica 99, 315-334, 2009
Biodiversity policy integration in five policy sectors in Germany: How can we transform governance to make implementation work?
F Pröbstl, A Paulsch, L Zedda, N Nöske, EMC Santos, Y Zinngrebe
Earth System Governance 16, 100175, 2023
Morphological groups as a surrogate for soil lichen biodiversity in Southern Africa
L Zedda, SM Kong, G Rambold
Bibliotheca Lichenologica 106, 391-408, 2011
Diversity of epiphytic lichens in the savannah biome of Namibia
L Zedda, M Schultz, G Rambold
Herzogia 22, 153-164, 2009
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