Ramana Murthy
Ramana Murthy
GITAM, Visakhapatnam
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Video and image based emotion recognition challenges in the wild: Emotiw 2015
A Dhall, OV Ramana Murthy, R Goecke, J Joshi, T Gedeon
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on international conference on multimodal …, 2015
Fuzzy model based recognition of handwritten numerals
M Hanmandlu, OVR Murthy
pattern recognition 40 (6), 1840-1854, 2007
Stress detection in working people
S Sriramprakash, VD Prasanna, OVR Murthy
Procedia computer science 115, 359-366, 2017
Fuzzy Model based recognition of handwritten Hindi characters
M Hanmandlu, OVR Murthy, VK Madasu
9th Biennial conference of the Australian pattern recognition society on …, 2007
Ordered trajectories for large scale human action recognition
OVR Murthy, R Goecke
2013 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 412-419, 2013
Adaptive stick–slip friction and backlash compensation using dynamic fuzzy logic system
S Suraneni, IN Kar, OVR Murthy, RKP Bhatt
Applied Soft Computing 6 (1), 26-37, 2005
Thermal imaging based elderly fall detection
S Vadivelu, S Ganesan, OVR Murthy, A Dhall
Computer Vision–ACCV 2016 Workshops: ACCV 2016 International Workshops …, 2017
A novel approach to classification of facial expressions from 3D-mesh datasets using modified PCA
YV Venkatesh, AA Kassim, OVR Murthy
Pattern Recognition Letters 30 (12), 1128-1137, 2009
Multimodal hierarchical CNN feature fusion for stress detection
R Kuttala, R Subramanian, VRM Oruganti
IEEE Access 11, 6867-6878, 2023
Fire sensor and surveillance camera-based GTCNN for fire detection system
P Sridhar, SK Thangavel, L Parameswaran, VRM Oruganti
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (7), 7626-7633, 2023
Play with me—Measuring a child's engagement in a social interaction
SS Rajagopalan, OVR Murthy, R Goecke, A Rozga
2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and …, 2015
Outlier-based autism detection using longitudinal structural MRI
K Devika, D Mahapatra, R Subramanian, VRM Oruganti
IEEE Access 10, 27794-27808, 2022
Deep multimodal fusion for subject-independent stress detection
K Radhika, VRM Oruganti
2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science …, 2021
Ordered trajectories for human action recognition with large number of classes
OVR Murthy, R Goecke
Image and Vision Computing 42, 22-34, 2015
Resampling approach to facial expression recognition using 3D meshes
YV Venkatesh, AK Kassim, OVR Murthy
2010 20th international conference on pattern recognition, 3772-3775, 2010
Multi-level feature fusion for group-level emotion recognition
B Balaji, VRM Oruganti
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international conference on multimodal …, 2017
Extended dynamic fuzzy logic system (DFLS) based indirect stable adaptive control of non-linear systems
OV Ramana Murthy, RKP Bhatt, N Ahmad
Applied Soft Computing 4 (2), 109-119, 2004
Sentiment analysis by deep learning approaches
P Sreevidya, OVR Murthy, S Veni
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 18 (2), 752-760, 2020
Transfer learning for subject-independent stress detection using physiological signals
K Radhika, VRM Oruganti
2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2020
Zoning based Devanagari character recognition
OVR Murthy, M Hanmandlu
International Journal of Computer Applications 27 (4), 21-25, 2011
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Articles 1–20