Stefan Alexander Wiesner
Stefan Alexander Wiesner
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
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“Industrie 4.0” and smart manufacturing-a review of research issues and application examples
KD Thoben, S Wiesner, T Wuest
International journal of automation technology 11 (1), 4-16, 2017
Digital technologies in product-service systems: a literature review and a research agenda
F Pirola, X Boucher, S Wiesner, G Pezzotta
Computers in Industry 123, 103301, 2020
Product-service systems evolution in the era of Industry 4.0
P Gaiardelli, G Pezzotta, A Rondini, D Romero, F Jarrahi, M Bertoni, ...
Service Business 15, 177-207, 2021
Interactions between service and product lifecycle management
S Wiesner, M Freitag, I Westphal, KD Thoben
Procedia Cirp 30, 36-41, 2015
Cyber-physical product-service systems–challenges for requirements engineering
S Wiesner, E Marilungo, KD Thoben
International journal of automation technology 11 (1), 17-28, 2017
Maturity models for digitalization in manufacturing-applicability for SMEs
S Wiesner, P Gaiardelli, N Gritti, G Oberti
Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry …, 2018
Cyber-physical product-service systems
S Wiesner, KD Thoben
Multi-Disciplinary Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems: Data …, 2017
Requirements engineering
S Wiesner, M Peruzzini, JB Hauge, KD Thoben
Concurrent Engineering in the 21st Century: Foundations, Developments and …, 2015
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing-A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
T Klaus-Dieter, S Wiesner, W Thorsten
International Journal of Automation Technology 11 (1), 4-16, 2017
Extended product business model development in four manufacturing case studies
S Wiesner, P Padrock, KD Thoben
Procedia Cirp 16, 110-115, 2014
Requirements engineering for cyber-physical systems: Challenges in the context of “industrie 4.0”
S Wiesner, C Gorldt, M Soeken, KD Thoben, R Drechsler
Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledge-Based …, 2014
Integrating requirements engineering for different domains in system development–lessons learnt from industrial SME cases
S Wiesner, S Nilsson, KD Thoben
Procedia CIRP 64, 351-356, 2017
Requirements engineering for servitization in manufacturing service ecosystems (MSEE)
S Wiesner, M Peruzzini, G Doumeingts, KD Thoben
The Philosopher's Stone for Sustainability: Proceedings of the 4th CIRP …, 2013
Manufacturing Service Ecosystems: Towards a new model to support service innovation based on Extended Products
S Wiesner, I Westphal, M Hirsch, KD Thoben
Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for …, 2013
VBE management system
H Afsarmanesh, SS Msanjila, E Ermilova, S Wiesner, W Woelfel, M Seifert
Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations, 119-154, 2008
Strategies for extended product business models in manufacturing service ecosystems
S Wiesner, M Winkler, J Eschenbächer, KD Thoben
Product-Service Integration for Sustainable Solutions: Proceedings of the …, 2013
Highlights in customer-driven operations management research
K Medini, AL Andersen, T Wuest, B Christensen, S Wiesner, D Romero, ...
Procedia Cirp 86, 12-19, 2019
Requirements for models, methods and tools supporting servitisation of products in manufacturing service ecosystems
S Wiesner, KD Thoben
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 30 (1), 191-201, 2017
Smart service lifecycle management: A framework and use case
M Freitag, S Wiesner
Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry …, 2018
Product-Service systems im zeitalter von industrie 4.0 in produktion und logistik–auf dem weg zu Cyber-Physischen Product-Service systemen
C Gorldt, S Wiesner, I Westphal, KD Thoben
Dienstleistungen 4.0: Geschäftsmodelle-Wertschöpfung-Transformation. Band 2 …, 2017
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