Ilja Kusters
Ilja Kusters
Harvard Medical School/Boston Children's Hospital
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Characterization of the annular lipid shell of the Sec translocon
I Prabudiansyah, I Kusters, A Caforio, AJM Driessen
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1848 (10), 2050-2056, 2015
Clp-Dependent Proteolysis Down-Regulates Central Metabolic Pathways in Glucose-Starved Bacillus subtilis
U Gerth, H Kock, I Kusters, S Michalik, RL Switzer, M Hecker
Journal of bacteriology 190 (1), 321-331, 2008
Design and validation of a human brain endothelial microvessel-on-a-chip open microfluidic model enabling advanced optical imaging
MM Salman, G Marsh, I Kusters, M Delincé, G Di Caprio, S Upadhyayula, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 573775, 2020
SecA, a remarkable nanomachine
I Kusters, AJM Driessen
Cellular and molecular life sciences 68, 2053-2066, 2011
A single copy of SecYEG is sufficient for preprotein translocation
A Kedrov, I Kusters, VV Krasnikov, AJM Driessen
The EMBO journal 30 (21), 4387-4397, 2011
Quaternary structure of SecA in solution and bound to SecYEG probed at the single molecule level
I Kusters, G van den Bogaart, A Kedrov, V Krasnikov, F Fulyani, ...
Structure 19 (3), 430-439, 2011
Dynamics of Auxilin 1 and GAK in clathrin-mediated traffic
K He, E Song, S Upadhyayula, S Dang, R Gaudin, W Skillern, K Bu, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 219 (3), e201908142, 2020
Membrane-on-a-chip: microstructured silicon/silicon-dioxide chips for high-throughput screening of membrane transport and viral membrane fusion
I Kusters, AM van Oijen, AJM Driessen
ACS nano 8 (4), 3380-3392, 2014
Dual-color fluorescence-burst analysis to study pore formation and protein–protein interactions
G van den Bogaart, I Kusters, J Velásquez, JT Mika, V Krasnikov, ...
Methods 46 (2), 123-130, 2008
Taming membranes: functional immobilization of biological membranes in hydrogels
I Kusters, N Mukherjee, MR de Jong, S Tans, A Koçer, AJM Driessen
PLoS One 6 (5), e20435, 2011
In Vitro Interaction of the Housekeeping SecA1 with the Accessory SecA2 Protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
I Prabudiansyah, I Kusters, AJM Driessen
PLoS One 10 (6), e0128788, 2015
Purification and functional reconstitution of the bacterial protein translocation pore, the SecYEG complex
I Kusters, G van den Bogaart, J de Wit, V Krasnikov, B Poolman, ...
Protein Secretion: Methods and Protocols, 131-143, 2010
Single-molecule studies of bacterial protein translocation
A Kedrov, I Kusters, AJM Driessen
Biochemistry 52 (39), 6740-6754, 2013
Design and validation of a human brain endothelial microvessel-on-a-chip open microfluidic model enabling advanced optical imaging. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2020; 8: 573775
MM Salman, G Marsh, I Kusters, M Delincé, G Di Caprio, S Upadhyayula
Analysis of the interaction between membrane proteins and soluble binding partners by Surface Plasmon Resonance
ZC Wu, J de Keyzer, I Kusters, AJM Driessen
Membrane Biogenesis: Methods and Protocols, 157-172, 2013
An in-vitro BBB-on-a-chip open model of human blood-brain barrier enabling advanced optical imaging
M Salman, G Marsh, I Küsters, M Delincé, G Di Caprio, S Upadhyayula, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.06. 30.175380, 2020
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Articles 1–16