Peter Lachenmaier
Peter Lachenmaier
Forschungsgruppe Kooperationssysteme
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Xenakis: combining tangible interaction with probability-based musical composition
M Bischof, B Conradi, P Lachenmaier, K Linde, M Meier, P Pötzl, E André
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Tangible and embedded …, 2008
Pinocchio: conducting a virtual symphony orchestra
B Bruegge, C Teschner, P Lachenmaier, E Fenzl, D Schmidt, S Bierbaum
Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer …, 2007
Model-driven development of a person-centric mashup for social software
P Lachenmaier, F Ott, M Koch
Social Network Analysis and Mining 3 (2), 193-207, 2013
Building a Person-Centric Mashup System. CommunityMashup: A Service Oriented Approach.
P Lachenmaier, F Ott
3rd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS'2011 …, 2011
Information Ergonomics Guidelines for Multi-User Readability on Semi-Public Large Interactive Screens
F Ott, A Nutsi, P Lachenmaier
Proc. of the Workshop Information Ergonomics at iKnow Conference, 2014
CommunityMashup - A Flexible Social Mashup Based on a Model-Driven-Approach
P Lachenmaier, F Ott, A Immerz, A Richter
12th IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI …, 2011
MeetingMirror–Interaktives Fenster in Tagungsinformationssysteme
M Koch, F Ott, P Lachenmaier, E Lösch, A Nutsi, M Burkhard
Mensch & Computer 2014-Workshopband, 2014
ConfMashup–Personenzentrische Datenintegration für Tagungsinformation
M Koch, P Lachenmaier, M Burkhard, E Lösch, A Nutsi, F Ott
Mensch & Computer 2014–Workshopband: 14. Fachübergreifende Konferenz für …, 2014
The “Wisdom of the Crowd Pattern”: A person-centric data aggregation approach for social software
P Lachenmaier, F Ott
Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2012 IEEE 13th International …, 2012
Supporting Open Research by making research activities visible
P Lachenmaier, M Koch, A Richter
Academia 20 Workshop ECSCW 2009, 2009
Fishification-Visualizing Activity Streams Using the Aquarium Metaphor
S Maier, M Burkhard, P Lachenmaier, A Nutsi, M Koch
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