dwi sulisworo
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Cited by
The use of WhatsApp in collaborative learning to improve English teaching and learning process
A La Hanisi, R Risdiany, Y Dwi Utami, D Sulisworo
International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology 7 (1), 29-36, 2018
Exploring the usage of ChatGPT in higher education: Frequency and impact on productivity
R Firaina, D Sulisworo
Buletin Edukasi Indonesia 2 (01), 39-46, 2023
The contribution of the education system quality to improve the nation’s competitiveness of Indonesia
D Sulisworo
Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) 10 (2), 127-138, 2016
The effect of cooperative learning, motivation and information technology literacy to achievement
D Sulisworo, F Suryani
International Journal of Learning & Development 4 (2), 58-64, 2014
The impact of the use of STEM education approach on the blended learning to improve student’s critical thinking skills
S Ardianti, D Sulisworo, Y Pramudya, W Raharjo
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (3), 24-32, 2020
Identification of teachers’ problems in Indonesia on facing global community
D Sulisworo, R Nasir, I Maryani
International Journal of Research Studies in Education 6 (2), 81-90, 2017
The role of mobile learning on the learning environment shifting at high school in Indonesia
D Sulisworo, M Toifur
International journal of mobile learning and organisation 10 (3), 159-170, 2016
Pemanfaatan Learning Management System Berbasis Google Classroom Dalam Pembelajaran
H Hikmatiar, D Sulisworo, ME Wahyuni
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 8 (1), 78-86, 2020
Cooperative-blended learning using Moodle as an open source learning platform
D Sulisworo, SP Agustin, E Sudarmiyati
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 8 (2), 187-198, 2016
Dampak pemanfaatan WhatsApp dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa pada pelajaran fisika
E Indriyani, D Suliworo
Seminar Nasional Quantum 25 (2018), 2477-1511, 2018
Enabling ICT and knowledge management to enhance competitiveness of higher education institutions
D Sulisworo
International journal of Education 4 (1), 112-121, 2012
The Development of Mobile Learning Application using Jigsaw Technique.
D Sulisworo, I Ishafit, K Firdausy
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 10 (3), 11-16, 2016
Effects of the online interactive learning media on student’s achievement and interest in physics
RA Liliana, W Raharjo, I Jauhari, D Sulisworo
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (3), 59-68, 2020
Konsep Pembelajaran Project Based Learning
D Sulisworo
Alprin, 2012
The Analysis of The Critical Thinking Skills between Blended Learning Implementation; Google Classroom and Schoology
D Sulisworo, R Ummah, M Nursholikh, W Raharjo
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (3B), 33-40, 2020
Blended Learning: Improving Student’s Motivation in English Teaching Learning Process
IF Sari, A Rahayu, DI Apriliandari, D Sulisworo
International Journal of Languages' Education and Teaching 6 (1), 163-170, 2018
The students’ academic writing skill after implementing blended learning using Facebook
D Sulisworo, T Rahayu, RN Akhsan
Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання, 176-191, 2016
Wizer. me and Socrative as Innovative Teaching Method Tools: Integrating TPACK and Social Learning Theory.
N Kaliappen, WNA Ismail, ABA Ghani, D Sulisworo
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 10 (3), 1028-1037, 2021
A quick study on SRL profiles of online learning participants during the anticipation of the spread of COVID-19
D Sulisworo, N Fatimah, SS Sunaryati
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 9 (3), 2020
Pengembangan video animasi berbasis powtoon untuk model pembelajaran flipped classroom pada materi termodinamika
K Basriyah, D Sulisworo
Prosiding Seminar Nasional & Internasional 1 (1), 2018
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Articles 1–20