Bettina Finzel
Bettina Finzel
Cognitive Systems and BaCAI member at University of Bamberg, GI Junior Fellow
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Zitiert von
A comprehensive taxonomy for explainable artificial intelligence: a systematic survey of surveys on methods and concepts
G Schwalbe, B Finzel
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 1-59, 2023
The Next Generation of Medical Decision Support: A Roadmap Toward Transparent Expert Companions
S Bruckert, B Finzel, U Schmid
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 3, 75, 2020
Mutual Explanations for Cooperative Decision Making in Medicine
U Schmid, B Finzel
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 227-233, 2020
XAI method properties: A (meta-) study
G Schwalbe, B Finzel
From beliefs to intention: mentoring as an approach to motivate female high school students to enrol in computer science studies
B Finzel, H Deininger, U Schmid
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Gender & IT, 251-260, 2018
Generating Explanations for Conceptual Validation of Graph Neural Networks: An Investigation of Symbolic Predicates Learned on Relevance-Ranked Sub-Graphs
B Finzel, A Saranti, A Angerschmid, D Tafler, B Pfeifer, A Holzinger
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 36 (3), 271-285, 2022
Uncovering the Bias in Facial Expressions
J Deuschel, B Finzel, I Rieger
Kolloquium Forschende Frauen 2020: Gender in Gesellschaft 4.0: Beiträge …, 2020
Explanation as a process: user-centric construction of multi-level and multi-modal explanations
B Finzel, DE Tafler, S Scheele, U Schmid
KI 2021: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 44th German Conference on AI …, 2021
Toward human-level concept learning: Pattern benchmarking for AI algorithms
A Holzinger, A Saranti, A Angerschmid, B Finzel, U Schmid, H Mueller
Patterns, 2023
Towards understanding mobility in museums
G Elmamooz, B Finzel, D Nicklas
Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2017)-Workshopband, 2017
Verifying Deep Learning-based Decisions for Facial Expression Recognition
I Rieger, R Kollmann, B Finzel, D Seuss, U Schmid
28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational …, 2020
Multimodal Explanations for User-centric Medical Decision Support Systems.
B Finzel, DE Tafler, AM Thaler, U Schmid
HUMAN@ AAAI Fall Symposium, 2021
CorrLoss: Integrating Co-Occurrence Domain Knowledge for Affect Recognition
I Rieger, J Pahl, B Finzel, U Schmid
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 798-804, 2022
Deriving Temporal Prototypes from Saliency Map Clusters for the Analysis of Deep-Learning-based Facial Action Unit Classification
B Finzel, R Kollmann, I Rieger, J Pahl, U Schmid
Explaining with Attribute-based and Relational Near Misses: An Interpretable Approach to Distinguishing Facial Expressions of Pain and Disgust
B Finzel, SP Kuhn, DE Tafler, U Schmid
Inductive Logic Programming, 40-51, 2024
Toward human-level concept learning: Pattern benchmarking for AI algorithms. Patterns, 4 (8), 100788
A Holzinger, A Saranti, A Angerschmid, B Finzel, U Schmid, H Mueller
Explaining and Evaluating Deep Tissue Classification by Visualizing Activations of Most Relevant Intermediate Layers
A Mohammed, C Geppert, A Hartmann, P Kuritcyn, V Bruns, U Schmid, ...
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 8 (2), 229-232, 2022
Make Pain Estimation Transparent: A Roadmap to Fuse Bayesian Deep Learning and Inductive Logic Programming
I Rieger, B Finzel, D Seuß, T Wittenberg, U Schmid
41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine …, 2019
Human-Centered Explanations: Lessons Learned from Image Classification for Medical and Clinical Decision Making
B Finzel
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz, 1-11, 2024
Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming (Dagstuhl Seminar 23442)
L De Raedt, U Schmid, J Langer
Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2024
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