Jörg Franke
Cited by
Cited by
From detection of individual metastases to classification of lymph node status at the patient level: the camelyon17 challenge
P Bandi, O Geessink, Q Manson, M Van Dijk, M Balkenhol, M Hermsen, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (2), 550-560, 2018
Sample-Efficient Automated Deep Reinforcement Learning
JKH Franke, G Köhler, A Biedenkapp, F Hutter
Proceedings of Conference on Learning Representations. ICLR 2021., 2020
Phoneme Boundary Detection using Deep Bidirectional LSTMs
J Franke, M Mueller, F Hamlaoui, S Stueker, A Waibel
Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium; Proceedings of, 1-5, 2016
Robust and scalable differentiable neural computer for question answering
J Franke, J Niehues, A Waibel
Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering. ACL 2018., 2018
Towards phoneme inventory discovery for documentation of unwritten languages
M Müller, J Franke, A Waibel, S Stüker
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2017 IEEE International …, 2017
Improving phoneme set discovery for documenting unwritten languages
M Müller, J Franke, S Stüker, A Waibe
Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung …, 2017
Why do machine learning practitioners still use manual tuning? A qualitative study
N Hasebrook, F Morsbach, N Kannengießer, J Franke, F Hutter, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.01717, 2022
Probabilistic Transformer: Modelling Ambiguities and Distributions for RNA Folding and Molecule Design
JKH Franke, F Runge, F Hutter
36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022), 2022
Hyperparameter Transfer Across Developer Adjustments
D Stoll, JKH Franke, D Wagner, S Selg, F Hutter
NeurIPS 4th Workshop on Meta-Learning (2020), 2020
Neural Architecture Evolution in Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control
JKH Franke, G Köhler, N Awad, F Hutter
Workshop on Meta-Learning. NeurIPS 2019., 2019
Scalable Deep Learning for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
JKH Franke, F Runge, F Hutter
The 2023 ICML Workshop on Computational Biology, ICML 2023, 2023
Rnabench: A comprehensive library for in silico rna modelling
F Runge, K Farid, JKH Franke, F Hutter
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 09.574794, 2024
Practitioner motives to select hyperparameter optimization methods
N Hasebrook, F Morsbach, N Kannengießer, M Zöller, J Franke, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.01717, 2022
Partial RNA design
F Runge, J Franke, D Fertmann, R Backofen, F Hutter
Bioinformatics 40 (Supplement_1), i437-i445, 2024
RNAformer: A Simple Yet Effective Deep Learning Model for RNA Secondary Structure Prediction
JKH Franke, F Runge, R Koeksal, R Backofen, F Hutter
bioRxiv, 2024.02. 12.579881, 2024
Rethinking performance measures of rna secondary structure problems
F Runge, JKH Franke, D Fertmann, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.05351, 2023
Constrained Parameter Regularization
JKH Franke, M Hefenbrock, G Koehler, F Hutter
HW-GPT-Bench: Hardware-Aware Architecture Benchmark for Language Models
RS Sukthanker, A Zela, B Staffler, JKH Franke, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.10299, 2024
Towards Automated Design of Riboswitches
F Runge, JKH Franke, F Hutter
The 2023 ICML Workshop on Computational Biology, ICML 2023, 2023
Fast Optimizer Benchmark
S Blauth, T Bürger, Z Häringer, J Franke, F Hutter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.18701, 2024
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Articles 1–20