Peter Loskill
Peter Loskill
µOrgano Lab @ NMI & University of Tübingen
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Human iPSC-based cardiac microphysiological system for drug screening applications
A Mathur, P Loskill, K Shao, N Huebsch, SG Hong, SG Marcus, N Marks, ...
Scientific reports 5, 8883, 2015
Merging organoid and organ-on-a-chip technology to generate complex multi-layer tissue models in a human Retina-on-a-Chip platform
K Achberger, C Probst, J Haderspeck, S Bolz, J Rogal, J Chuchuy, ...
eLife 8, e46188, 2019
Automated video-based analysis of contractility and calcium flux in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes cultured over different spatial scales
N Huebsch, P Loskill, MA Mandegar, NC Marks, AS Sheehan, Z Ma, ...
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 21 (5), 467-479, 2015
Biology-inspired Microphysiological systems to advance patient benefit and animal welfare in drug development
U Marx, T Akabane, TB Andersson, E Baker, M Beilmann, S Beken, ...
ALTEX-Alternatives to animal experimentation, 2020
Miniaturized iPS-cell-derived cardiac muscles for physiologically relevant drug response analyses
N Huebsch, P Loskill, N Deveshwar, CI Spencer, LM Judge, ...
Scientific reports 6, 24726, 2016
Self-organizing human cardiac microchambers mediated by geometric confinement
Z Ma, J Wang, P Loskill, N Huebsch, S Koo, FL Svedlund, NC Marks, ...
Nature communications 6, 7413, 2015
In vitro cardiac tissue models: Current status and future prospects
A Mathur, Z Ma, P Loskill, S Jeeawoody, KE Healy
Advanced drug delivery reviews 96, 203-213, 2016
Directing cell migration and organization via nanocrater-patterned cell-repellent interfaces
H Jeon, S Koo, WM Reese, P Loskill, CP Grigoropoulos, KE Healy
Nature materials 14 (9), 918-923, 2015
Impact of organ-on-a-chip technology on pharmaceutical R&D costs
N Franzen, WH van Harten, VP Retèl, P Loskill, ...
Drug discovery today 24 (9), 1720-1724, 2019
High-throughput Organ-on-a-chip systems: Current status and remaining challenges
C Probst, S Schneider, P Loskill
Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering 6, 33-41, 2018
Three-dimensional filamentous human diseased cardiac tissue model
Z Ma, S Koo, MA Finnegan, P Loskill, N Huebsch, NC Marks, BR Conklin, ...
Biomaterials 35 (5), 1367-1377, 2014
μOrgano: A Lego®-Like Plug & Play System for Modular Multi-Organ-Chips
P Loskill, SG Marcus, A Mathur, WM Reese, KE Healy
PloS one 10 (10), e0139587, 2015
Electroconductive Biohybrid Collagen/Pristine Graphene Composite Biomaterials with Enhanced Biological Activity
AJ Ryan, CJ Kearney, N Shen, U Khan, AG Kelly, C Probst, E Brauchle, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (15), 1706442, 2018
WAT-on-a-chip: A physiologically relevant microfluidic system incorporating white adipose tissue
P Loskill, T Sezhian, KM Tharp, FT Lee-Montiel, S Jeeawoody, WM Reese, ...
Lab on a Chip 17 (9), 1645-1654, 2017
Organ-on-chip in development: Towards a roadmap for organs-on-chip
M Mastrangeli, S Millet, TO partners, J van den Eijnden-van Raaij
ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation 36 (4), 650-668, 2019
Non-invasive marker-independent high content analysis of a microphysiological human pancreas-on-a-chip model
A Zbinden, J Marzi, K Schlünder, C Probst, M Urbanczyk, S Black, ...
Matrix Biology 85, 205-220, 2020
Reduction of the peptidoglycan crosslinking causes a decrease in stiffness of the Staphylococcus aureus cell envelope
P Loskill, PM Pereira, P Jung, M Bischoff, M Herrmann, MG Pinho, ...
Biophysical journal 107 (5), 1082-1089, 2014
WAT-on-a-chip integrating human mature white adipocytes for mechanistic research and pharmaceutical applications
J Rogal, C Binder, E Kromidas, J Roosz, C Probst, S Schneider, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-12, 2020
Stem-cell based organ-on-a-chip models for diabetes research
J Rogal, A Zbinden, K Schenke-Layland, P Loskill
Advanced drug delivery reviews 140, 101-128, 2019
Integration concepts for multi-organ chips: how to maintain flexibility?!
J Rogal, C Probst, P Loskill
Future Science OA, FSO180, 2017
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