Daniel W. Hill, Jr.
Daniel W. Hill, Jr.
Associate Professor of International Affairs, University of Georgia
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An empirical evaluation of explanations for state repression
DW Hill, ZM Jones
American Political Science Review 108 (3), 661-687, 2014
Estimating the effects of human rights treaties on state behavior
DW Hill Jr
The Journal of Politics 72 (4), 1161-1174, 2010
Information Politics Versus Organizational Incentives: When Are Amnesty International’s ‘‘Naming and Shaming’’Reports Biased?
DW Hill Jr, WH Moore, B Mukherjee
International Studies Quarterly 1, 14, 2012
Modeling two types of peace: The zero-inflated ordered probit (ZiOP) model in conflict research
BE Bagozzi, DW Hill Jr, WH Moore, B Mukherjee
Journal of Conflict Resolution 59 (4), 728-752, 2015
Torture and the limits of democratic institutions
CR Conrad, DW Hill Jr, WH Moore
Journal of Peace Research 55 (1), 3-17, 2018
Avoiding obligation: reservations to human rights treaties
DW Hill Jr
Journal of Conflict Resolution 60 (6), 1129-1158, 2016
Democracy and the concept of personal integrity rights
DW Hill Jr
The Journal of politics 78 (3), 822-835, 2016
How much terror? Dissidents, governments, institutions, and the cross-national study of terror attacks
R Bakker, DW Hill Jr, WH Moore
Journal of Peace Research 53 (5), 711-726, 2016
The study of gender and women in cross-national political science research: Rethinking concepts and measurement
S Karim, D Hill
Working Paper presented at the annual convention of the International …, 2018
Democracy and police violence
JL Jackson, SL Hall, DW Hill Jr
Research & Politics 5 (1), 2053168018759126, 2018
Democracy and compliance with human rights treaties: The conditional effectiveness of the Convention for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
DW Hill Jr, KA Watson
International Studies Quarterly 63 (1), 127-138, 2019
Examining repressive and oppressive state violence using the Ill-Treatment and Torture data
A Beger, D Hill Jr
Conflict Management and Peace Science 36 (6), 626-644, 2019
Splitting it up: The spduration split-population duration regression package for time-varying covariates
A Beger, DW Hill, NW Metternich, S Minhas, MD Ward
The R Journal 9 (2), 474-486, 2017
Using practitioner surveys to measure human rights: The Human Rights Measurement Initiative’s civil and political rights metrics
KC Clay, R Bakker, AM Brook, DW Hill Jr, A Murdie
Journal of peace research 57 (6), 715-727, 2020
The Concept of Personal Integrity Rights in Empirical Research
DW Hill Jr
IPSA Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series on Political …, 2013
Strategic Incentives and Modeling Bias in Ordinal Data: The Zero-inflated Ordered Probit (ZiOP) Model in Political Science
DW Hill Jr, BE Bagozzi, WH Moore, B Mukherjee
New Faces in Political Methodology meeting, Penn State. URL: http://qssi …, 2011
Why governments cede sovereignty: Evidence from regional human rights courts
DW Hill Jr
Foreign policy analysis 14 (3), 299-325, 2018
Political institutions, plausible deniability, and the decision to hide torture
C Conrad, DW Hill, WH Moore
Plausible Deniability, and the Decision to Hide Torture (July 9, 2014), 2014
Practical Observations on the Use of Oxygen, Or Vital Air, in the Cure of Diseases: To which are Added, a Few Experiments on the Vegetation of Plants
D Hill
Rivington, 1820
The right to personal integrity in international and domestic law
DW Hill Jr
The Florida State University, 2012
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