Mónica Aguilar Igartua
Mónica Aguilar Igartua
Associate Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
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Smart city for VANETs using warning messages, traffic statistics and intelligent traffic lights
CT Barba, MA Mateos, PR Soto, AM Mezher, MA Igartua
2012 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium, 902-907, 2012
Multimedia multimetric map-aware routing protocol to send video-reporting messages over VANETs in smart cities
AM Mezher, MA Igartua
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (12), 10611-10625, 2017
A multimetric, map-aware routing protocol for VANETs in urban areas
C Tripp-Barba, L Urquiza-Aguiar, MA Igartua, D Rebollo-Monedero, ...
Sensors 14 (2), 2199-2224, 2014
Self-configured multipath routing using path lifetime for video-streaming services over ad hoc networks
MA Igartua, VC Frías
Computer Communications 33 (15), 1879-1891, 2010
A traffic-aware electric vehicle charging management system for smart cities
PB Bautista, LL Cárdenas, LU Aguiar, MA Igartua
Vehicular Communications 20, 100188, 2019
Design and evaluation of GBSR-B, an improvement of GPSR for VANETs
CT Barba, LU Aguiar, MA Igartua
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (4), 1083-1089, 2013
RDSR-V. Reliable Dynamic Source Routing for video-streaming over mobile ad hoc networks
JL Muñoz, O Esparza, M Aguilar, V Carrascal, J Forné
Computer Networks 54 (1), 79-96, 2010
Detection of position falsification attacks in VANETs applying trust model and machine learning
J Montenegro, C Iza, M Aguilar Igartua
Proceedings of the 17th ACM symposium on performance evaluation of wireless …, 2020
Game-theoretical design of an adaptive distributed dissemination protocol for VANETs
C Iza-Paredes, AM Mezher, M Aguilar Igartua, J Forné
Sensors 18 (1), 294, 2018
A collaborative protocol for anonymous reporting in vehicular ad hoc networks
CT Barba, LU Aguiar, MA Igartua, J Parra-Arnau, D Rebollo-Monedero, ...
Computer Standards & Interfaces 36 (1), 188-197, 2013
Video-streaming transmission with qos over cross-layered ad hoc networks
GD Delgado, VC Frías, MA Igartua
2006 International Conference on Software in Telecommunications and Computer …, 2006
Multipath routing with layered coded video to provide QoS for video-streaming over MANETs
VC Frias, GD Delgado, MA Igartua
2006 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks 1, 1-6, 2006
Available bandwidth estimation in GPSR for VANETs
C Tripp-Barba, M Aguilar Igartua, L Urquiza Aguiar, AM Mezher, ...
Proceedings of the third ACM international symposium on Design and analysis …, 2013
A game-theoretic multipath routing for video-streaming services over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
MA Igartua, LJ de la Cruz Llopis, VC Frías, ES Gargallo
Computer Networks 55 (13), 2985-3000, 2011
How does the traffic behavior change by using SUMO traffic generation tools
PB Bautista, LU Aguiar, MA Igartua
Computer Communications 181, 1-13, 2022
Performance evaluation of a hybrid sensor and vehicular network to improve road safety
C Tripp Barba, K Ornelas Aguirre, M Aguilar Igartua
Proceedings of the 7th ACM workshop on Performance evaluation of wireless ad …, 2010
A probability-based multimetric routing protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks in urban scenarios
LL Cárdenas, AM Mezher, PAB Bautista, MA Igartua
IEEE access 7, 178020-178032, 2019
Realistic environment for VANET simulations to detect the presence of obstacles in vehicular ad hoc networks
AM Mezher, JJ Oltra, LU Aguiar, CI Paredes, CT Barba, MA Igartua
Proceedings of the 11th ACM symposium on Performance evaluation of wireless …, 2014
A distributed, bandwidth-efficient accident prevention system for interurban VANETs
E Garcia-Lozano, CT Barba, MA Igartua, C Campo
2013 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network …, 2013
On the impact of building attenuation models in vanet simulations of urban scenarios
L Urquiza-Aguiar, C Tripp-Barba, J Estrada-Jiménez, MA Igartua
Electronics 4 (1), 37-58, 2015
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