Avinash Sharma
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Cited by
Differentiable compound optics and processing pipeline optimization for end-to-end camera design
E Tseng, A Mosleh, F Mannan, K St-Arnaud, A Sharma, Y Peng, A Braun, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 40 (2), 1-19, 2021
Hardware-in-the-loop end-to-end optimization of camera image processing pipelines
A Mosleh, A Sharma, E Onzon, F Mannan, N Robidoux, F Heide
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
End-to-end high dynamic range camera pipeline optimization
N Robidoux, LEG Capel, D Seo, A Sharma, F Ariza, F Heide
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Method and system for tuning a camera image signal processor for computer vision tasks
A Sharma, ELJ Onzon, NJP Robidoux, A Mosleh
US Patent 11,283,991, 2022
Weighted capacity fading based dynamic battery charging algorithm for energy trading
A Sharma, AK Rathore, R Kumar
2018 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy and Environment: Towards …, 2018
A Dynamic Battery Charging Approach for Energy Trading in the Smart Grid
A Sharma, AK Rathore, R Kumar
2018 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Niigata 2018-ECCE Asia …, 2018
Method and system for tuning a camera image signal processor for computer vision tasks
A Sharma, ELJ Onzon, NJP Robidoux, A Mosleh
US Patent App. 18/502,061, 2024
Method and system for tuning a camera image signal processor for computer vision tasks
A Sharma, ELJ Onzon, NJP Robidoux, A Mosleh
US Patent 11,849,212, 2023
Dynamic Programming based approach for Energy Trading
A Sharma
Concordia University, 2018
End-to-end High Dynamic Range Camera Pipeline Optimization Supplemental Document
N Robidoux, LEG Capel, D Seo, A Sharma, F Ariza, F Heide
Hardware-in-the-loop End-to-end Optimization of Camera Image Processing Pipelines (Supplemental Material)
A Mosleh, F Mannan, A Sharma, N Robidoux, E Onzon, F Heide
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Articles 1–11