Gabi Mocatta
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COVID-19 media coverage decreasing despite deepening crisis
O Pearman, M Boykoff, J Osborne-Gowey, M Aoyagi, AG Ballantyne, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (1), e6-e7, 2021
The coronavirus crisis as tipping point: communicating the environment in a time of pandemic
G Mocatta, E Hawley
Media International Australia 177 (1), 119-124, 2020
Uncovering a climate catastrophe? Media coverage of Australia’s Black Summer bushfires and the revelatory extent of the climate blame frame
G Mocatta, E Hawley
M/C Journal 23 (4), 2020
The trouble with ‘quiet advocacy’: local journalism and reporting climate change in rural and regional Australia
G Mocatta, E Mayes, K Hess, M Everitt Hartup
Media, Culture & Society, 2022
The burden of bad news: educators’ experiences of navigating climate change education
K Beasy, C Jones, R Kelly, C Lucas, G Mocatta, G Pecl, D Yildiz
Environmental Education Research, 1-14, 2023
What’s behind News Corp’s new spin on climate change?
G Mocatta
The Conversation, 2021
Towards a conceptual framework for place-responsive climate-health communication
G Mocatta, K Allen, K Beyer
The Journal of Climate Change and Health, 100176, 2022
“Fact-based dreaming” as climate communication
G Hawley, E & Mocatta
Popular Communication, 2021
Environmental Communication Theory and Practice for Global Transformation: An Ecocultural Approach
T Milstein, G Mocatta
Environmental Journalism
G Mocatta
Answering children’s questions on climate change: Curious Climate Schools
R Kelly, K Beasy, C Lucas, G Mocatta, GT Pecl
Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Praxis Within and Beyond …, 2023
Analysis of children’s questions on climate change reveals that they are most concerned about how to take action
C Lucas, C Earl-Jones, G Mocatta, K Beasy, R Kelly, G Pecl
OneEarth,, 2024
This is how universities can lead climate action
G Mocatta, R White
The Conversation 19, 2020
World Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming, 2004-2020-September 2020
A Benham, L McAllister, M Daly, A Nacu-Schmidt, AG Ballantyne, D Oonk, ...
The Place of the Teacher: Environmental Communication and Transportive Pedagogy
E Hawley, G Mocatta, T Milstein
Environmental Communication, 2023
Yes, the Australian Bush Is Recovering from Bushfires–but It May Never Be the Same
G Williamson, G Mocatta, R Harris, T Remenyi
The Conversation, February 18, 2020
Designing a distance education course in environmental journalism
G Mocatta
Environmental communication pedagogy and practice, 128-142, 2017
The Tarkine: what future for a precious wilderness in north-west Tasmania?
G Mocatta
Australian Geographic 75, 37-53, 2004
Journalism for the Climate and Biodiversity Crises
G Mocatta
Palgrave Handbook of Science and Health Journalism, 273-293, 2024
From Climate Literacy to Climate Policy: Interrogating a University’s Role as a Climate Change Thought Leader
G Mocatta, R Harris
Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Praxis Within and Beyond …, 2023
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