Fei Xue
Fei Xue
National Energy Technology Laboratory
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Cited by
Isostructural metal-insulator transition in VO2
D Lee, B Chung, Y Shi, GY Kim, N Campbell, F Xue, K Song, SY Choi, ...
Science 362 (6418), 1037-1040, 2018
Stability of polar vortex lattice in ferroelectric superlattices
Z Hong, AR Damodaran, F Xue, SL Hsu, J Britson, AK Yadav, CT Nelson, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2246-2252, 2017
Thermotropic phase boundaries in classic ferroelectrics
TTA Lummen, Y Gu, J Wang, S Lei, F Xue, A Kumar, AT Barnes, E Barnes, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3172, 2014
Nonlinear phase-field model for electrode-electrolyte interface evolution
L Liang, Y Qi, F Xue, S Bhattacharya, SJ Harris, LQ Chen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012
Sharpened VO2 Phase Transition via Controlled Release of Epitaxial Strain
D Lee, J Lee, K Song, F Xue, SY Choi, Y Ma, J Podkaminer, D Liu, SC Liu, ...
Nano letters 17 (9), 5614-5619, 2017
Phase transition enhanced superior elasticity in freestanding single-crystalline multiferroic BiFeO3 membranes
B Peng, RC Peng, YQ Zhang, G Dong, Z Zhou, Y Zhou, T Li, Z Liu, Z Luo, ...
Science advances 6 (34), eaba5847, 2020
Configurable topological textures in strain graded ferroelectric nanoplates
KE Kim, S Jeong, K Chu, JH Lee, GY Kim, F Xue, TY Koo, LQ Chen, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 403, 2018
Stability of the M2 phase of vanadium dioxide induced by coherent epitaxial strain
NF Quackenbush, H Paik, MJ Wahila, S Sallis, ME Holtz, X Huang, ...
Physical Review B 94 (8), 085105, 2016
Thermodynamic potential and phase diagram for multiferroic bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3)
DV Karpinsky, EA Eliseev, F Xue, MV Silibin, A Franz, MD Glinchuk, ...
npj Computational Materials 3 (1), 20, 2017
Inversion Symmetry Breaking by Oxygen Octahedral Rotations in the Ruddlesden-Popper Family
H Akamatsu, K Fujita, T Kuge, A Sen Gupta, A Togo, S Lei, F Xue, G Stone, ...
Physical review letters 112 (18), 187602, 2014
Interfacial coupling boosts giant electrocaloric effects in relaxor polymer nanocomposites: in situ characterization and phase‐field simulation
J Qian, R Peng, Z Shen, J Jiang, F Xue, T Yang, L Chen, Y Shen
Advanced Materials 31 (5), 1801949, 2019
Disrupting long-range polar order with an electric field
H Guo, X Liu, F Xue, LQ Chen, W Hong, X Tan
Physical Review B 93 (17), 174114, 2016
Lead-free (Ag,K)NbO3 materials for high-performance explosive energy conversion
Z Liu, T Lu, F Xue, H Nie, R Withers, A Studer, F Kremer, N Narayanan, ...
Science advances 6 (21), eaba0367, 2020
Phase field simulations of ferroelectrics domain structures in PbZrxTi1− xO3 bilayers
F Xue, JJ Wang, G Sheng, E Huang, Y Cao, HH Huang, P Munroe, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (8), 2909-2918, 2013
Composition-and pressure-induced ferroelectric to antiferroelectric phase transitions in Sm-doped BiFeO3 system
F Xue, L Liang, Y Gu, I Takeuchi, SV Kalinin, LQ Chen
Applied physics letters 106 (1), 2015
Giant ferroelectric polarization in ultrathin ferroelectrics via boundary‐condition engineering
L Xie, L Li, CA Heikes, Y Zhang, Z Hong, P Gao, CT Nelson, F Xue, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (30), 1701475, 2017
Giant elastic tunability in strained BiFeO3 near an electrically induced phase transition
Q Li, Y Cao, P Yu, RK Vasudevan, N Laanait, A Tselev, F Xue, LQ Chen, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8985, 2015
Domain topology and domain switching kinetics in a hybrid improper ferroelectric
FT Huang, F Xue, B Gao, LH Wang, X Luo, W Cai, XZ Lu, JM Rondinelli, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11602, 2016
Permanent ferroelectric retention of BiFeO3 mesocrystal
YH Hsieh, F Xue, T Yang, HJ Liu, Y Zhu, YC Chen, Q Zhan, CG Duan, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13199, 2016
Quasi-one-dimensional metallic conduction channels in exotic ferroelectric topological defects
W Yang, G Tian, Y Zhang, F Xue, D Zheng, L Zhang, Y Wang, C Chen, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1306, 2021
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Articles 1–20