Tobias Hecker
Tobias Hecker
Emmy-Noether Research Group Leader, Bielefeld University
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A systematic review of socio-ecological factors contributing to risk and protection of the mental health of refugee children and adolescents
F Scharpf, E Kaltenbach, A Nickerson, T Hecker
Clinical Psychology Review 83, 101930, 2021
Corporal punishment and children's externalizing problems: A cross-sectional study of Tanzanian primary school aged children
T Hecker, K Hermenau, D Isele, T Elbert
Child abuse & neglect 38 (5), 884-892, 2014
Broadening perspectives on trauma and recovery: a socio-interpersonal view of PTSD
A Maercker, T Hecker
European journal of psychotraumatology 7 (1), 29303, 2016
ICD-11 prevalence rates of posttraumatic stress disorder and complex posttraumatic stress disorder in a German nationwide sample
A Maercker, T Hecker, M Augsburger, S Kliem
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 206 (4), 270-276, 2018
Childhood adversity, mental ill-health and aggressive behavior in an African orphanage: Changes in response to trauma-focused therapy and the implementation of a new …
K Hermenau, T Hecker, M Ruf, E Schauer, T Elbert, M Schauer
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 5, 1-9, 2011
Addressing post-traumatic stress and aggression by means of narrative exposure: a randomized controlled trial with ex-combatants in the eastern DRC
K Hermenau, T Hecker, S Schaal, A Maedl, T Elbert
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 22 (8), 916-934, 2013
Harsh discipline relates to internalizing problems and cognitive functioning: findings from a cross-sectional study with school children in Tanzania
T Hecker, K Hermenau, C Salmen, M Teicher, T Elbert
BMC psychiatry 16, 1-9, 2016
The cycle of violence: Associations between exposure to violence, trauma‐related symptoms and aggression—Findings from Congolese refugees in Uganda
T Hecker, S Fetz, H Ainamani, T Elbert
Journal of Traumatic Stress 28 (5), 448-455, 2015
When combat prevents PTSD symptoms—Results from a survey with former child soldiers in Northern Uganda
R Weierstall, I Schalinski, A Crombach, T Hecker, T Elbert
BMC psychiatry 12, 1-8, 2012
Appetitive aggression in former combatants—Derived from the ongoing conflict in DR Congo
T Hecker, K Hermenau, A Maedl, T Elbert, M Schauer
International journal of law and psychiatry 35 (3), 244-249, 2012
Maltreatment and mental health in institutional care—Comparing early and late institutionalized children in Tanzania
K Hermenau, T Hecker, T Elbert, M Ruf‐Leuschner
Infant mental health journal 35 (2), 102-110, 2014
Growing up in armed groups: trauma and aggression among child soldiers in DR Congo
K Hermenau, T Hecker, A Maedl, M Schauer, T Elbert
European journal of psychotraumatology 4 (1), 21408, 2013
PTSD symptom severity relates to cognitive and psycho-social dysfunctioning–a study with Congolese refugees in Uganda
HE Ainamani, T Elbert, DK Olema, T Hecker
European journal of psychotraumatology 8 (1), 1283086, 2017
Gender differences in response to war-related trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder–A study among the Congolese refugees in Uganda
HE Ainamani, T Elbert, DK Olema, T Hecker
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-9, 2020
Neglect and perceived stigmatization impact psychological distress of orphans in Tanzania
K Hermenau, I Eggert, MA Landolt, T Hecker
European journal of psychotraumatology 6 (1), 28617, 2015
Does prenatal stress shape postnatal resilience?–an epigenome-wide study on violence and mental health in humans
F Serpeloni, KM Radtke, T Hecker, J Sill, V Vukojevic, SG Assis, T Elbert, ...
Frontiers in genetics 10, 425681, 2019
Does perpetrating violence damage mental health? Differences between forcibly recruited and voluntary combatants in DR Congo
T Hecker, K Hermenau, A Maedl, H Hinkel, M Schauer, T Elbert
Journal of traumatic stress 26 (1), 142-148, 2013
Differential associations among PTSD and complex PTSD symptoms and traumatic experiences and postmigration difficulties in a culturally diverse refugee sample
T Hecker, S Huber, T Maier, A Maercker
Journal of Traumatic Stress 31 (6), 795-804, 2018
Teachers’ stress intensifies violent disciplining in Tanzanian secondary schools
T Hecker, K Goessmann, M Nkuba, K Hermenau
Child Abuse & Neglect 76, 173-183, 2018
Complex posttraumatic stress disorder according to ICD-11: description of the proposed diagnosis and differentiation from classical posttraumatic stress disorder
T Hecker, A Maercker
Psychotherapeut 60, 547-562, 2015
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Articles 1–20