David M. Schneider
David M. Schneider
Associate Professor at New York University
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Cited by
A synaptic and circuit basis for corollary discharge in the auditory cortex
DM Schneider, A Nelson, R Mooney
Nature 513 (7517), 189-194, 2014
A circuit for motor cortical modulation of auditory cortical activity
A Nelson, DM Schneider, J Takatoh, K Sakurai, F Wang, R Mooney
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (36), 14342-14353, 2013
A cortical filter that learns to suppress the acoustic consequences of movement
DM Schneider, J Sundararajan, R Mooney
Nature 561 (7723), 391-395, 2018
Sparse and background-invariant coding of vocalizations in auditory scenes
DM Schneider, SMN Woolley
Neuron 79 (1), 141-152, 2013
A generalized linear model for estimating spectrotemporal receptive fields from responses to natural sounds
A Calabrese, JW Schumacher, DM Schneider, L Paninski, SMN Woolley
PloS one 6 (1), e16104, 2011
Integration of visuospatial and effector information during symbolically cued limb movements in monkey lateral intraparietal area
J Oristaglio, DM Schneider, PF Balan, J Gottlieb
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (32), 8310-8319, 2006
How movement modulates hearing
DM Schneider, R Mooney
Annual Review of Neuroscience 41 (1), 553-572, 2018
Neuronal correlates of the set-size effect in monkey lateral intraparietal area
PF Balan, J Oristaglio, DM Schneider, J Gottlieb
PLoS Biology 6 (7), e158, 2008
Anesthetic state modulates excitability but not spectral tuning or neural discrimination in single auditory midbrain neurons
JW Schumacher, DM Schneider, SMN Woolley
Journal of Neurophysiology 106 (2), 500-514, 2011
Functional circuits and anatomical distribution of response properties in the primate amygdala
W Zhang, DM Schneider, MA Belova, SE Morrison, JJ Paton, CD Salzman
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (2), 722-733, 2013
Discrimination of communication vocalizations by single neurons and groups of neurons in the auditory midbrain
DM Schneider, SMN Woolley
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (6), 3248-3265, 2010
Reflections of action in sensory cortex
DM Schneider
Current opinion in neurobiology 64, 53-59, 2020
Motor-related signals in the auditory system for listening and learning
DM Schneider, R Mooney
Current opinion in neurobiology 33, 78-84, 2015
Automated auditory recognition training and testing
A Gess, DM Schneider, A Vyas, SMN Woolley
Animal Behaviour 82 (2), 285-293, 2011
Extra-classical tuning predicts stimulus-dependent receptive fields in auditory neurons
DM Schneider, SMN Woolley
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (33), 11867-11878, 2011
Precise movement-based predictions in the mouse auditory cortex
NJ Audette, WX Zhou, A La Chioma, DM Schneider
Current Biology 32 (22), 4925-4940. e6, 2022
Incorporating naturalistic correlation structure improves spectrogram reconstruction from neuronal activity in the songbird auditory midbrain
AD Ramirez, Y Ahmadian, J Schumacher, D Schneider, SMN Woolley, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (10), 3828-3842, 2011
Task specific computations in attentional maps
J Gottlieb, PF Balan, J Oristaglio, D Schneider
Vision research 49 (10), 1216-1226, 2009
Automating the design of informative sequences of sensory stimuli
J Lewi, DM Schneider, SMN Woolley, L Paninski
Journal of computational neuroscience 30, 181-200, 2011
Stimulus-specific prediction error neurons in mouse auditory cortex
NJ Audette, DM Schneider
Journal of Neuroscience 43 (43), 7119-7129, 2023
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Articles 1–20