Jan Schnellenbach
Jan Schnellenbach
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
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Zitiert von
What do we know about geographical knowledge spillovers and regional growth?: A survey of the literature
T Döring, J Schnellenbach
Regional Studies 40 (03), 375-395, 2006
Fiscal Federalism, Decentralization, and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
T Baskaran, LP Feld, J Schnellenbach
Economic Inquiry 54, 1445-1463, 2016
Fiscal Federalism, Decentralization, and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
LP Feld, T Baskaran, J Schnellenbach
Manuscript, University of Heidelberg, 2009
Inequality and happiness: When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match
C Bjørnskov, A Dreher, JAV Fischer, J Schnellenbach, K Gehring
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 91, 75-92, 2013
Behavioral political economy: A survey
J Schnellenbach, C Schubert
European Journal of Political Economy 40, 395-417, 2015
Nudges and norms: On the political economy of soft paternalism
J Schnellenbach
European Journal of Political Economy 28 (2), 266-277, 2012
Public entrepreneurship and the economics of reform
J Schnellenbach
Journal of Institutional Economics 3 (2), 183-202, 2007
On government centralization and fiscal referendums
LP Feld, CA Schaltegger, J Schnellenbach
European Economic Review 52 (4), 611-645, 2008
Implementation of the fiscal compact in the euro area member states
HT Burret, J Schnellenbach
German Council of Economic Experts, Working Paper 8, 2013, 2014
Implementation of the fiscal compact in the euro area member states
HT Burret, J Schnellenbach
German Council of Economic Experts, Working Paper 8, 2013, 2014
Implementation of the fiscal compact in the Euro area member states: Expertise on the behalf of the German Council of Economic Experts
HT Burret, J Schnellenbach
Working Paper, German Council of Economic Experts, 2014
Fiscal federalism and long-run macroeconomic performance: a survey of recent research
LP Feld, J Schnellenbach
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 29 (2), 224-243, 2011
Tax morale and the taming of Leviathan
J Schnellenbach
Constitutional Political Economy 17 (2), 117-132, 2006
Wohlwollendes Anschubsen: Was ist mit liberalem Paternalismus zu erreichen und was sind seine Nebenwirkungen?
J Schnellenbach
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 12 (4), 445-459, 2011
Dezentrale Finanzpolitik und Modellunsicherheit: eine theoretische Untersuchung zur Rolle des fiskalischen Wettbewerbs als Wissen generierender Prozess
J Schnellenbach
Mohr Siebeck, 2004
A tale of two federalisms: Germany, the United States and the ubiquity of centralization
T Döring, J Schnellenbach
Constitutional Political Economy 22 (1), 83-102, 2011
Fiscal Federalism, Decentralization and Economic Growth: Survey and Meta-Analysis
T Baskaran, LP Feld, J Schnellenbach
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2014
Unvollständige Rationalität ist keine hinreichende Begründung für paternalistisches Eingreifen
J Schnellenbach
Wirtschaftsdienst 94 (11), 787-790, 2014
A constitutional economics perspective on soft paternalism
J Schnellenbach
Kyklos 69 (1), 135-156, 2016
The impact of referendums on the centralisation of public goods provision: a political economy approach
J Schnellenbach, LP Feld, C Schaltegger
Economics of Governance 11 (1), 3-26, 2010
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