Steffen Lange
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Digitalization and energy consumption. Does ICT reduce energy demand?
S Lange, J Pohl, T Santarius
Ecological economics 176, 106760, 2020
Research on degrowth
G Kallis, V Kostakis, S Lange, B Muraca, S Paulson, M Schmelzer
Annual review of environment and resources 43 (1), 291-316, 2018
Smarte grüne Welt?: Digitalisierung zwischen Überwachung, Konsum und Nachhaltigkeit
S Lange, T Santarius
oekom verlag, 2018
Macroeconomics without growth: Sustainable Economies in Neoclassical, Keynesian and Marxian Theories
S Lange
Metropolis Verlag, 2018
The Jevons paradox unravelled: A multi-level typology of rebound effects and mechanisms
S Lange, F Kern, J Peuckert, T Santarius
Energy Research & Social Science 74, 101982, 2021
Digitalization and the decoupling debate: can ICT help to reduce environmental impacts while the economy keeps growing?
T Santarius, J Pohl, S Lange
Sustainability 12 (18), 7496, 2020
Smart green world?: Making digitalization work for sustainability
S Lange, T Santarius
Routledge, 2020
Digital sufficiency: conceptual considerations for ICTs on a finite planet
T Santarius, JCT Bieser, V Frick, M Höjer, M Gossen, LM Hilty, E Kern, ...
Annals of Telecommunications 78 (5), 277-295, 2023
A societal transformation scenario for staying below 1.5 C
K Kuhnhenn, LFC Da Costa, E Mahnke, L Schneider, S Lange
Schriften zu Wirtschaft und Soziales, 2020
Green growth, a-growth or degrowth? Investigating the attitudes of environmental protection specialists at the German Environment Agency
C Lehmann, O Delbard, S Lange
Journal of Cleaner Production 336, 130306, 2022
Digitalization and sustainability: a call for a digital green deal
T Santarius, L Dencik, T Diez, H Ferreboeuf, P Jankowski, S Hankey, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 147, 11-14, 2023
Building capacities for transdisciplinary research: Challenges and recommendations for early-career researchers
M Jaeger-Erben, J Kramm, M Sonnberger, C Völker, C Albert, A Graf, ...
GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27 (4), 379-386, 2018
Gesellschaftliches Wohlergehen innerhalb planetarer Grenzen: Der Ansatz einer vorsorgeorientierten Postwachstumsposition
U Petschow, S Lange, D Hofmann, E Pissarskoi, N aus dem Moore, ...
Christian Lamker, Viola Schulze Dieckhoff, 2018
Social Well-Being Within Planetary Boundaries: the Precautionary PostGrowth Approach
U Petschow, S Lange, D Hofmann, N Moore, T Korfhage, A Schoofs, ...
Dessau-Roßlau: Umwelt Bundesamt, 2020
The climate effect of digitalization in production and consumption in OECD countries
T Kopp, S Lange
CEUR Workshop Proc 2382, 1-11, 2019
Do mature economies grow exponentially?
S Lange, P Pütz, T Kopp
Ecological Economics 147, 123-133, 2018
Firm-level energy rebound effects and relative efficiency in the German manufacturing sector
A Berner, S Lange, A Silbersdorff
Energy Economics 109, 105903, 2022
Digital Reset. Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation
S Lange, S Tilman, L Dencik, T Dietz, H Ferreboef, S Hankey, A Hilbeck, ...
TU Berlin, 2022
Wirtschaftspolitik für Postwachstum auf Unternehmensebene. Drei Ansätze zur Gestaltung
J Gebauer, S Lange, D Posse
Postwachstumspolitiken: Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft, 239-52, 2017
The net climate effect of digitalization, differentiating between firms and households
T Kopp, M Nabernegg, S Lange
Energy Economics 126, 106941, 2023
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