Hans Werner Hammer
Hans Werner Hammer
Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt, Germany
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Modern theory of nuclear forces
E Epelbaum, HW Hammer, UG Meißner
Reviews of Modern Physics 81 (4), 1773-1825, 2009
Universality in few-body systems with large scattering length
E Braaten, HW Hammer
Physics Reports 428 (5-6), 259-390, 2006
Renormalization of the three-body system with short-range interactions
PF Bedaque, HW Hammer, U Van Kolck
Physical Review Letters 82 (3), 463, 1999
The three-boson system with short-range interactions
PF Bedaque, HW Hammer, U Van Kolck
Nuclear Physics A 646 (4), 444-466, 1999
Nuclear effective field theory: status and perspectives
HW Hammer, S König, U Van Kolck
Reviews of Modern Physics 92 (2), 025004, 2020
Quartet S wave neutron deuteron scattering in effective field theory
PF Bedaque, HW Griesshammer
Nuclear Physics A 671 (1-4), 357-379, 2000
Colloquium: Three-body forces: From cold atoms to nuclei
HW Hammer, A Nogga, A Schwenk
Reviews of modern physics 85 (1), 197-217, 2013
Dispersion analysis of the nucleon form factors including meson continua
MA Belushkin, HW Hammer, UG Meißner
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (3), 035202, 2007
Three-body recombination in Bose gases with large scattering length
PF Bedaque, E Braaten, HW Hammer
Physical Review Letters 85 (5), 908, 2000
Effective field theory for halo nuclei: shallow p-wave states
CA Bertulani, HW Hammer, U Van Kolck
Nuclear Physics A 712 (1-2), 37-58, 2002
Universal properties of the four-body system with large scattering length
HW Hammer, L Platter
The European Physical Journal A 32, 113-120, 2007
Four-boson system with short-range interactions
L Platter, HW Hammer, UG Meißner
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (5), 052101, 2004
Narrow resonances in effective field theory
PF Bedaque, HW Hammer, U Van Kolck
Physics Letters B 569 (3-4), 159-167, 2003
Effective theory for neutron-deuteron scattering: Energy dependence
PF Bedaque, HW Hammer, U Van Kolck
Physical Review C 58 (2), R641, 1998
Low energy expansion in the three body system to all orders and the triton channel
PF Bedaque, G Rupak, HW Griesshammer, HW Hammer
Nuclear Physics A 714 (3-4), 589-610, 2003
Effective field theory description of halo nuclei
HW Hammer, C Ji, DR Phillips
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (10), 103002, 2017
Efimov physics in cold atoms
E Braaten, HW Hammer
Annals of Physics 322 (1), 120-163, 2007
Three-body recombination into deep bound states in a Bose gas with large scattering length
E Braaten, HW Hammer
Physical review letters 87 (16), 160407, 2001
Three-particle quantization condition in a finite volume: 2. General formalism and the analysis of data
HW Hammer, JY Pang, A Rusetsky
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (10), 1-31, 2017
The size of the proton: Closing in on the radius puzzle
IT Lorenz, HW Hammer, UG Meißner
The European Physical Journal A 48, 1-5, 2012
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