Dr. Artyom Zinchenko
Dr. Artyom Zinchenko
Postdoctoral researcher, LMU, Munich
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Emotion and goal-directed behavior: ERP evidence on cognitive and emotional conflict
A Zinchenko, P Kanske, C Obermeier, E Schröger, SA Kotz
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 10 (11), 1577-1587, 2015
Hippocampal subfield volume changes in subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
M Al-Amin, A Zinchenko, T Geyer
Brain research 1685, 1-8, 2018
Positive emotion impedes emotional but not cognitive conflict processing
A Zinchenko, C Obermeier, P Kanske, E Schröger, SA Kotz
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 17, 665-677, 2017
Content specificity of attentional bias to threat in post-traumatic stress disorder
A Zinchenko, MM Al-Amin, MM Alam, W Mahmud, N Kabir, HM Reza, ...
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 50, 33-39, 2017
Predictive visual search: Role of environmental regularities in the learning of context cues
A Zinchenko, M Conci, HJ Müller, T Geyer
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 80, 1096-1109, 2018
The Influence of Negative Emotion on Cognitive and Emotional Control Remains Intact in Aging
A Zinchenko, C Obermeier, P Kanske, E Schröger, A Villringer, SA Kotz
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 9 (1663-4365), 349, 2017
Automatic guidance (and misguidance) of visuospatial attention by acquired scene memory: Evidence from an N1pc polarity reversal
A Zinchenko, M Conci, T Töllner, HJ Müller, T Geyer
Psychological Science 31 (12), 1531-1543, 2020
Moving towards dynamics: Emotional modulation of cognitive and emotional control
A Zinchenko, SA Kotz, E Schröger, P Kanske
International Journal of Psychophysiology 147, 193-201, 2020
Behavioural evidence for a single memory system in contextual cueing
LM Kroell, B Schlagbauer, A Zinchenko, HJ Müller, T Geyer
Visual Cognition 27 (5-8), 551-562, 2019
Modulation of cognitive and emotional control in age-related mild-to-moderate hearing loss
A Zinchenko, P Kanske, C Obermeier, E Schröger, A Villringer, SA Kotz
Frontiers in Neurology 9, 783, 2018
Affective modulation of memory-based guidance in visual search: Dissociative role of positive and negative emotions.
A Zinchenko, T Geyer, HJ Müller, M Conci
Emotion 20 (7), 1301, 2020
Affective modulation of executive control in early childhood: Evidence from ERPs and a Go/Nogo task
A Zinchenko, S Chen, R Zhou
Biological psychology 144, 54-63, 2019
Study on polypharmacy in patients with cardiovascular diseases
MM Al-Amin, AZMS Rana, MMN Uddin, MS Pervin
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2 (12), 053-060, 2012
Taking attention out of context: Frontopolar transcranial magnetic stimulation abolishes the formation of new context memories in visual search
A Zinchenko, M Conci, PCJ Taylor, HJ Müller, T Geyer
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 31 (3), 442-452, 2019
Global repetition influences contextual cueing
X Zang, A Zinchenko, L Jia, L Assumpção, H Li
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 402, 2018
Distributed attention beats the down-side of statistical context learning in visual search
A Zinchenko, M Conci, J Hauser, HJ Müller, T Geyer
Journal of Vision 20 (7), 4-4, 2020
Affective Modulation of Working Memory Maintenance: The Role of Positive and Negative Emotions
A Gokce, A Zinchenko, E Annac, M Conci, T Geyer
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 17 (2), 107-116, 2021
The role of spatial selective attention in the processing of affective prosodies in congenitally blind adults: an ERP study
P Topalidis, A Zinchenko, JC Gädeke, J Föcker
Brain Research 1739, 146819, 2020
Astaxanthin ameliorates scopolamine-induced spatial memory deficit via reduced cortical-striato-hippocampal oxidative stress
MM Al-Amin, W Mahmud, MS Pervin, SMR Islam, MA Rahman, ...
Brain Research 1710, 74-81, 2019
Why are acquired search-guiding context memories resistant to updating?
T Geyer, W Seitz, A Zinchenko, HJ Müller, M Conci
Frontiers in psychology 12, 650245, 2021
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