Zheng Ye
Zheng Ye
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Executive control in language processing
Z Ye, X Zhou
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 33 (8), 1168-1177, 2009
Conflict control during sentence comprehension: fMRI evidence
Z Ye, X Zhou
Neuroimage 48 (1), 280-290, 2009
Reward networks in the brain as captured by connectivity measures
E Camara, A Rodriguez-Fornells, Z Ye, TF Münte
Frontiers in neuroscience 3, 875, 2009
Semantic and syntactic processing in Chinese sentence comprehension: Evidence from event-related potentials
Z Ye, Y Luo, AD Friederici, X Zhou
Brain research 1071 (1), 186-196, 2006
Disfluencies and Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained Language Models for Detection of Alzheimer's Disease.
J Yuan, Y Bian, X Cai, J Huang, Z Ye, K Church
Interspeech 2020, 2162-6, 2020
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibition modulates response inhibition in Parkinson’s disease
Z Ye, E Altena, C Nombela, CR Housden, H Maxwell, T Rittman, ...
Brain 137 (4), 1145-1155, 2014
Involvement of cognitive control in sentence comprehension: Evidence from ERPs
Z Ye, X Zhou
Brain Research 1203, 103-115, 2008
Improving response inhibition in Parkinson’s disease with atomoxetine
Z Ye, E Altena, C Nombela, CR Housden, H Maxwell, T Rittman, ...
Biological Psychiatry 77 (8), 740-748, 2015
Pramipexole modulates the neural network of reward anticipation
Z Ye, A Hammer, E Camara, TF Münte
Human brain mapping 32 (5), 800-811, 2011
Atomoxetine restores the response inhibition network in Parkinson’s disease
CL Rae, C Nombela, PV Rodríguez, Z Ye, LE Hughes, PS Jones, T Ham, ...
Brain 139 (8), 2235-2248, 2016
Semantic integration processes at different levels of syntactic hierarchy during sentence comprehension: An ERP study
X Zhou, X Jiang, Z Ye, Y Zhang, K Lou, W Zhan
Neuropsychologia 48 (6), 1551-1562, 2010
Activity and connectivity differences underlying inhibitory control across the adult life span
KA Tsvetanov, Z Ye, L Hughes, D Samu, MS Treder, N Wolpe, LK Tyler, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (36), 7887-7900, 2018
Predicting beneficial effects of atomoxetine and citalopram on response inhibition in P arkinson's disease with clinical and neuroimaging measures
Z Ye, CL Rae, C Nombela, T Ham, T Rittman, PS Jones, PV Rodríguez, ...
Human brain mapping 37 (3), 1026-1037, 2016
Changes in resting-state fMRI in vestibular neuritis
C Helmchen, Z Ye, A Sprenger, TF Münte
Brain Structure and Function 219, 1889-1900, 2014
Atomoxetine enhances connectivity of prefrontal networks in Parkinson’s disease
RJ Borchert, T Rittman, L Passamonti, Z Ye, S Sami, SP Jones, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (8), 2171-2177, 2016
Filler-gap processing in Mandarin relative clauses: Evidence from event-related potentials
JL Packard, Z Ye, X Zhou
Processing and producing head-final structures, 219-240, 2011
Processing the Chinese language: An introduction
X Zhou, Z Ye, H Cheung, HC Chen
Language and Cognitive Processes 24 (7-8), 929-946, 2009
The semantic processing of syntactic structure in sentence comprehension: An ERP study
Z Ye, W Zhan, X Zhou
Brain research 1142, 135-145, 2007
Audiovisual speech integration in the superior temporal region is dysfunctional in dyslexia
Z Ye, J Rüsseler, I Gerth, TF Münte
Neuroscience 356, 1-10, 2017
The neural basis of impulsive discounting in pathological gamblers
SF Miedl, D Wiswede, J Marco-Pallarés, Z Ye, T Fehr, M Herrmann, ...
Brain imaging and behavior 9, 887-898, 2015
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