Federico Felici
Federico Felici
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Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning
J Degrave, F Felici, J Buchli, M Neunert, B Tracey, F Carpanese, T Ewalds, ...
Nature 602 (7897), 414-419, 2022
Subspace identification of MIMO LPV systems using a periodic scheduling sequence
F Felici, JW Van Wingerden, M Verhaegen
Automatica 43 (10), 1684-1697, 2007
Real-time physics-model-based simulation of the current density profile in tokamak plasmas
F Felici, O Sauter, S Coda, BP Duval, TP Goodman, JM Moret, JI Paley, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (8), 083052, 2011
Tokamak equilibrium reconstruction code LIUQE and its real time implementation
JM Moret, BP Duval, HB Le, S Coda, F Felici, H Reimerdes
Fusion Engineering and Design 91, 1-15, 2015
RABBIT: Real-time simulation of the NBI fast-ion distribution
M Weiland, R Bilato, R Dux, B Geiger, A Lebschy, F Felici, R Fischer, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (8), 082032, 2018
Snowflake divertor plasmas on TCV
F Piras, S Coda, I Furno, JM Moret, RA Pitts, O Sauter, B Tal, G Turri, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 (5), 055009, 2009
Non-linear model-based optimization of actuator trajectories for tokamak plasma profile control
F Felici, O Sauter
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54 (2), 025002, 2012
Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation
J Mailloux, N Abid, K Abraham, P Abreu, O Adabonyan, P Adrich, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042026, 2022
Fast modeling of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas using neural networks
KL van de Plassche, J Citrin, C Bourdelle, Y Camenen, FJ Casson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (2), 2020
Real-time capable first principle based modelling of tokamak turbulent transport
J Citrin, S Breton, F Felici, F Imbeaux, T Aniel, JF Artaud, B Baiocchi, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (9), 092001, 2015
TORBEAM 2.0, a paraxial beam tracing code for electron-cyclotron beams in fusion plasmas for extended physics applications
E Poli, A Bock, M Lochbrunner, O Maj, M Reich, A Snicker, A Stegmeir, ...
Computer Physics Communications 225, 36-46, 2018
Novel aspects of plasma control in ITER
D Humphreys, G Ambrosino, P de Vries, F Felici, SH Kim, G Jackson, ...
Physics of Plasmas 22 (2), 2015
Integrated real-time control of MHD instabilities using multi-beam ECRH/ECCD systems on TCV
F Felici, TP Goodman, O Sauter, G Canal, S Coda, BP Duval, JX Rossel, ...
Nuclear Fusion 52 (7), 074001, 2012
Sawtooth pacing by real-time auxiliary power control in a tokamak plasma
TP Goodman, F Felici, O Sauter, JP Graves, TCV Team)
Physical review letters 106 (24), 245002, 2011
Real-time feedback control of the impurity emission front in tokamak divertor plasmas
T Ravensbergen, M van Berkel, A Perek, C Galperti, BP Duval, O Février, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1105, 2021
Real-time-capable prediction of temperature and density profiles in a tokamak using RAPTOR and a first-principle-based transport model
F Felici, J Citrin, AA Teplukhina, J Redondo, C Bourdelle, F Imbeaux, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (9), 096006, 2018
Control of the tokamak safety factor profile with time-varying constraints using MPC
E Maljaars, F Felici, MR De Baar, J Van Dongen, GMD Hogeweij, ...
Nuclear Fusion 55 (2), 023001, 2015
Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programme
H Reimerdes, M Agostini, E Alessi, S Alberti, Y Andrebe, H Arnichand, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042018, 2022
Feedback controlled, reactor relevant, high-density, high-confinement scenarios at ASDEX Upgrade
PT Lang, TC Blanken, M Dunne, RM McDermott, E Wolfrum, V Bobkov, ...
Nuclear Fusion 58 (3), 036001, 2018
Real-time control of tokamak plasmas: from control of physics to physics-based control
F Felici
EPFL, 2011
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