Kreßel, Ulrich
Kreßel, Ulrich
Manager for Pattern Recognition, Mercedes-Benz AG, Research and Development
Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse bei Mercedes-Benz.Com
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Pairwise classification and support vector machines
UHG Kreßel
Advances in kernel methods, 255-268, 1999
Probabilistic trajectory prediction with Gaussian mixture models
J Wiest, M Hoffken, U Kresel, K Dietmayer
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2012 IEEE, 141-146, 2012
Robust recognition of traffic signals
F Lindner, U Kressel, S Kaelberer
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2004, 49-53, 2004
Tracking non-rigid, moving objects based on color cluster flow
B Heisele, U Kressel, W Ritter
Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and …, 1997
Method and Device for Monitoring at Least One Vehicle Occupant and Method for Operating at Least One Assistance Device
M Schrauf, M Simon, G Weidl, R Herrtwich, U Kressel
US Patent App. 14/238,922, 2014
Pattern classification techniques based on function approximation
U Kressel, J Schürmann
Handbook of Character Recognition and Document Image Analysis, 49-78, 1997
Motionmixer: Mlp-based 3d human body pose forecasting
A Bouazizi, A Holzbock, U Kressel, K Dietmayer, V Belagiannis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.00499, 2022
Traffic control gesture recognition for autonomous vehicles
J Wiederer, A Bouazizi, U Kressel, V Belagiannis
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Method for observation of a person in an industrial environment
U Kressel, L Krueger, W Progscha, C Woehler, F Kummert, J Schmidt, ...
US Patent 8,154,590, 2012
Robust classification of modulation types using spectral features applied to HMM
C Schreyogg, K Kittel, U Kressel, J Reichert
MILCOM 97 MILCOM 97 Proceedings 3, 1377-1381, 1997
Pedestrian recognition by classification of image sequences-global approaches vs. local spatio-temporal processing
C Wohler, U Kressel, JK Anlaur
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
A probabilistic maneuver prediction framework for self-learning vehicles with application to intersections
J Wiest, M Karg, F Kunz, S Reuter, U Kreßel, K Dietmayer
2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 349-355, 2015
Incorporating categorical information for enhanced probabilistic trajectory prediction
J Wiest, F Kunz, U Kressel, K Dietmayer
2013 12th international conference on machine learning and applications 1 …, 2013
The Impact of the Learning–Set Size in Handwritten–Digit Recognition
UHG Kressel
Artificial Neural Networks, 1685-1689, 1991
Classifier training based on synthetically generated samples
H Hoessler, C Wöhler, F Lindner, U Kreßel
Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICCV), 2007
Cut classification for segmentation
TA Bayer, UG Kressel
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 1993
Anomaly detection in multi-agent trajectories for automated driving
J Wiederer, A Bouazizi, M Troina, U Kressel, V Belagiannis
Conference on Robot Learning, 1223-1233, 2022
Method and device for identifying traffic-relevant information
S Groitzsch, M Schorn, T Fechner, U Kressel
US Patent 8,346,706, 2013
Self-supervised 3d human pose estimation with multiple-view geometry
A Bouazizi, J Wiederer, U Kressel, V Belagiannis
2021 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture …, 2021
Polynomklassifikator versus Multilayer-Perzeptron
U Kressel, J Franke, J Schürmann
Mustererkennung 1990: 12. DAGM-Symposium Oberkochen-Aalen, 24.–26. September …, 1990
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