Debra A. Brock
Debra A. Brock
Senior Research Scientist, Washington University in St. Louis
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Primitive agriculture in a social amoeba
DA Brock, TE Douglas, DC Queller, JE Strassmann
Nature 469 (7330), 393-396, 2011
A cell-counting factor regulating structure size in Dictyostelium
DA Brock, RH Gomer
Genes & development 13 (15), 1960-1969, 1999
Burkholderia bacteria infectiously induce the proto-farming symbiosis of Dictyostelium amoebae and food bacteria
S DiSalvo, TS Haselkorn, U Bashir, D Jimenez, DA Brock, DC Queller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (36), E5029-E5037, 2015
A secreted factor represses cell proliferation in Dictyostelium
DA Brock, RH Gomer
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 132 (20), 4553 …, 2005
Social amoeba farmers carry defensive symbionts to protect and privatize their crops
DA Brock, S Read, A Bozhchenko, DC Queller, JE Strassmann
Nature Communications 4 (1), 2385, 2013
A bacterial symbiont is converted from an inedible producer of beneficial molecules into food by a single mutation in the gacA gene
P Stallforth, DA Brock, AM Cantley, X Tian, DC Queller, JE Strassmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (36), 14528-14533, 2013
A Dictyostelium mutant with defective aggregate size determination
DA Brock, G Buczynski, TP Spann, SA Wood, J Cardelli, RH Gomer
Development 122 (9), 2569-2578, 1996
Mutagenesis and gene identification in Dictyostelium by shotgun antisense.
TP Spann, DA Brock, DF Lindsey, SA Wood, RH Gomer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (10), 5003-5007, 1996
Symbiont location, host fitness, and possible coadaptation in a symbiosis between social amoebae and bacteria
L Shu, DA Brock, KS Geist, JW Miller, DC Queller, JE Strassmann, ...
Elife 7, e42660, 2018
Synergistic activity of cosecreted natural products from amoebae-associated bacteria
J Arp, S Götze, R Mukherji, DJ Mattern, M García-Altares, M Klapper, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (15), 3758-3763, 2018
The secreted Dictyostelium protein CfaD is a chalone
D Bakthavatsalam, DA Brock, NN Nikravan, KD Houston, RD Hatton, ...
Journal of cell science 121 (15), 2473-2480, 2008
Genomic signatures of cooperation and conflict in the social amoeba
EA Ostrowski, Y Shen, X Tian, R Sucgang, H Jiang, J Qu, ...
Current Biology 25 (12), 1661-1665, 2015
RtoA links initial cell type choice to the cell cycle in Dictyostelium
SA Wood, RR Ammann, DA Brock, L Li, T Spann, RH Gomer
Development 122 (11), 3677-3685, 1996
The different components of a multisubunit cell number-counting factor have both unique and overlapping functions
DA Brock, RD Hatton, DV Giurgiutiu, B Scott, R Ammann, RH Gomer
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 129 (15), 3657 …, 2002
Endosymbiotic adaptations in three new bacterial species associated with Dictyostelium discoideum: Paraburkholderia agricolaris sp. nov., Paraburkholderia hayleyella sp. nov …
DA Brock, S Noh, ANM Hubert, TS Haselkorn, S DiSalvo, MK Suess, ...
PeerJ 8, e9151, 2020
The specificity of Burkholderia symbionts in the social amoeba farming symbiosis: Prevalence, species, genetic and phenotypic diversity
TS Haselkorn, S DiSalvo, JW Miller, U Bashir, DA Brock, DC Queller, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (4), 847-862, 2019
Sentinel cells, symbiotic bacteria and toxin resistance in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
DA Brock, WÉ Callison, JE Strassmann, DC Queller
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1829), 20152727, 2016
Diversity of free-living environmental bacteria and their interactions with a bactivorous amoeba
DA Brock, TS Haselkorn, JR Garcia, U Bashir, TE Douglas, J Galloway, ...
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 8, 411, 2018
A protein containing a serine-rich domain with vesicle fusing properties mediates cell cycle-dependent cytosolic pH regulation
DT Brazill, DR Caprette, HA Myler, RD Hatton, RR Ammann, DF Lindsey, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (25), 19231-19240, 2000
CF45-1, a Secreted Protein Which Participates in Dictyostelium Group Size Regulation
DA Brock, RD Hatton, DV Giurgiutiu, B Scott, W Jang, R Ammann, ...
Eukaryotic cell 2 (4), 788-797, 2003
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