Alexander M. Danzer
Alexander M. Danzer
KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
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Cited by
The long-run consequences of Chernobyl: Evidence on subjective well-being, mental health and welfare
AM Danzer, N Danzer
Journal of Public Economics 135, 47-60, 2016
Do ethnic enclaves impede immigrants' integration? Evidence from a quasi‐experimental social‐interaction approach
AM Danzer, F Yaman
Review of International Economics 21 (2), 311-325, 2013
Poverty during transition: Household survey evidence from Ukraine
T Brück, AM Danzer, A Muravyev, N Weisshaar
Journal of Comparative Economics 38 (2), 123-145, 2010
Migration patterns in a remittances dependent economy: Evidence from Tajikistan during the global financial crisis
AM Danzer, O Ivaschenko
Migration Letters 7 (2), 190, 2010
Labour migration from eastern Europe and the EU's quest for talents
AM Danzer, B Dietz
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52 (2), 183-199, 2014
Ethnic concentration and language fluency of immigrants: Evidence from the guest-worker placement in Germany
AM Danzer, F Yaman
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 131, 151-165, 2016
Integration, social networks and economic success of immigrants: A case study of the Turkish community in Berlin
AM Danzer, H Ulku
Kyklos 64 (3), 342-365, 2011
Factors shaping workplace segregation between natives and immigrants
M Strömgren, T Tammaru, AM Danzer, M van Ham, S Marcińczak, ...
Demography 51 (2), 645-671, 2014
Relations between residential and workplace segregation among newly arrived immigrant men and women
T Tammaru, M Strömgren, M Van Ham, AM Danzer
Cities 59, 131-138, 2016
Growing up in ethnic enclaves: Language proficiency and educational attainment of immigrant children
A Danzer, C Feuerbaum, M Piopiunik, L Woessmann
Journal of Population Economics, 2022
Showing off to the new neighbors? Income, socioeconomic status and consumption patterns of internal migrants
AM Danzer, B Dietz, K Gatskova, A Schmillen
Journal of comparative economics 42 (1), 230-245, 2014
Benefit Generosity and the Income Effect on Labour Supply: Quasi‐Experimental Evidence
AM Danzer
The Economic Journal 123 (571), 1059-1084, 2013
Battlefields of ethnic symbols. Public space and post-Soviet identity formation from a minority perspective
AM Danzer
Europe-Asia Studies 61 (9), 1557-1577, 2009
Labor supply and automation innovation: Evidence from an allocation policy
AM Danzer, C Feuerbaum, F Gaessler
Journal of Public Economics 235, 105136, 2024
Total reward and pensions in the UK in the public and private sectors
AM Danzer, PJ Dolton
Labour Economics 19 (4), 584-594, 2012
Tajikistan Household Panel Survey: Migration, Remittances and the Labor Market
AM Danzer, B Dietz, K Gatskova
Survey report, 2013
Export price shocks and rural labor markets: The role of labor market distortions
AM Danzer, R Grundke
Journal of development economics 145, 102464, 2020
Improving women’s access to land and financial resources in Tajikistan
H Shahriari, AM Danzer, R Giovarelli, A Undeland
World Bank, 2009
Linguistic Fragmentation at the Micro-Level: Economic Returns to Speaking the Right Language (s) in a Multilinguistic Society
A Aldashev, AM Danzer
The journal of development studies 56 (12), 2308-2326, 2020
Migrants’ well-being during the global financial crisis: Economic and social predictors
AM Danzer, B Dietz
Journal of comparative economics 46 (3), 770-787, 2018
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Articles 1–20