John Robinson
John Robinson
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Microbial populations, fermentation end-products, and aerobic stability of corn silage treated with ammonia or a propionic acid-based preservative
L Kung Jr, JR Robinson, NK Ranjit, JH Chen, CM Golt, JD Pesek
Journal of dairy science 83 (7), 1479-1486, 2000
Efficiencies of chi-square and likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit tests
MP Quine, J Robinson
The Annals of Statistics, 727-742, 1985
Conditioning ratio estimates under simple random sampling
J Robinson
Journal of the American Statistical Association 82 (399), 826-831, 1987
Mitigating cotton revenue risk through irrigation, insurance, and hedging
EHB Barham, JRC Robinson, JW Richardson, ME Rister
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 43 (4), 529-540, 2011
On Approximating Probabilities for Small and Large Deviations in Rd
J Robinson, T Hoglund, L Holst, MP Quine
The Annals of Probability, 727-753, 1990
The effect of calcium ions and temperature on the binomial parameters that control acetylcholine release by a nerve impulse at amphibian neuromuscular synapses
MR Bennett, C Fisher, T Florin, M Quine, J Robinson
The Journal of Physiology 271 (3), 641-672, 1977
Plasma corticosteroids as indicators of gonadotrophin secretion and infertility in stressed bovine
GH Stott, JR Robinson
J. dairy Sci 53, 652, 1970
The large-sample power of permutation tests for randomization models
J Robinson
The Annals of Statistics, 291-296, 1973
Evolution of irrigation districts and operating institutions: Texas, Lower Rio Grande Valley
MJ Stubbs, ME Rister, RD Lacewell, JR Ellis, JRC Robinson
Texas Water Resources Institute, The Texas A & M University System, 2003
A general stochastic model for nucleation and linear growth
L Holst, MP Quine, J Robinson
The Annals of Applied Probability, 903-921, 1996
What's my target? Individual analyst forecasts and last-chance earnings management
EL Beardsley, JR Robinson, PA Wong
Journal of Accounting and Economics 72 (1), 101423, 2021
Significance levels and confidence intervals for permutation tests
RD John, J Robinson
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 16 (3-4), 161-173, 1983
Estimates of the Price Elasticity of Charitable Giving: A Reappraisal using 1985 Itemizer and Nonitemizer Charitable Deduction Data.
JR Robinson
Journal of the American Taxation Association 12 (1), 1990
A Berry-Esseen bound for an occupancy problem
MP Quine, J Robinson
The Annals of Probability, 663-671, 1982
Cultural, demographic, educational, and economic characteristics
N Mier, I Flores, JRC Robinson, AV Millard
Nourishing the future: The case for community-based nutrition research in …, 2004
A linear random growth model
MP Quine, J Robinson
Journal of applied probability 27 (3), 499-509, 1990
An asymptotic expansion for permutation tests with several samples
J Robinson
The Annals of Statistics, 851-864, 1980
Normal approximations to sums of scores based on occupancy numbers
MP Quine, J Robinson
The Annals of Probability, 794-804, 1984
Tax-savvy executives
TR Kubick, Y Li, JR Robinson
Review of Accounting Studies 25, 1301-1343, 2020
What matters for in-house tax planning: Tax function power and status
MS Ege, BF Hepfer, JR Robinson
The Accounting Review 96 (4), 203-232, 2021
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