john burgess
john burgess
school; of management, curtin university
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Cited by
The nature and dimensions of precarious employment in Australia
J Burgess, I Campbell
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 8 …, 1998
Casual employment in Australia and temporary employment in Europe: Developing a cross-national comparison
I Campbell, J Burgess
Work, employment and society 15 (1), 171-184, 2001
Temporary work and human resources management: issues, challenges and responses
J Burgess, J Connell
Personnel Review 35 (2), 129-140, 2006
Casual academic staff in an Australian university: Marginalised and excluded
S Ryan, J Burgess, J Connell, E Groen
Tertiary education and management 19, 161-175, 2013
Working from home effectiveness during Covid-19: Evidence from university staff in Indonesia
TW Afrianty, IGLS Artatanaya, J Burgess
Asia Pacific Management Review 27 (1), 50-57, 2022
Is the fourth industrial revolution relevant to sub-Sahara Africa?
DT Ayentimi, J Burgess
Technology analysis & strategic management 31 (6), 641-652, 2019
Casual employment in Australia: growth, characteristics, a bridge or a trap?
J Burgess, I Campbell
The Economic and Labour Relations Review 9 (1), 31-54, 1998
Affirmative action or managing diversity: what is the future of equal opportunity policies in organisations?
G Strachan, J Burgess, A Sullivan
Women in Management Review 19 (4), 196-204, 2004
The “family friendly” workplace: Origins, meaning and application at Australian workplaces
G Strachan, J Burgess
International Journal of Manpower 19 (4), 250-265, 1998
Call centres and the quality of work life: Towards a research agenda
Z Hannif, J Burgess, J Connell
Journal of industrial relations 50 (2), 271-284, 2008
Vulnerable workers, precarious work and the role of trade unions and HRM
J Burgess, J Connell, J Winterton
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (22), 4083-4093, 2013
Graduate work-readiness challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and the role of HRM
P Verma, A Nankervis, S Priyono, N Mohd Salleh, J Connell, J Burgess
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 37 (2), 121-137, 2018
Patchy progress? Two decades of research on precariousness and precarious work in Australia
I Campbell, J Burgess
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 28 …, 2018
Environmental sustainability and competitive advantage in a wine tourism micro-cluster
S Grimstad, J Burgess
Management Research Review 37 (6), 553-573, 2014
Gig work and the fourth industrial revolution
A De Ruyter, M Brown, J Burgess
Journal of International Affairs 72 (1), 37-50, 2018
Filling the gaps: Patterns of formal and informal participation
K Townsend, A Wilkinson, J Burgess
Economic and industrial Democracy 34 (2), 337-354, 2013
Pathways from casual employment to economic security: the Australian experience
J Burgess, I Campbell, R May
Social Indicators Research 88, 161-178, 2008
The influence of precarious employment on career development: The current situation in Australia
J Connell, J Burgess
Education+ Training 48 (7), 493-507, 2006
Reassessing employee involvement and participation: Atrophy, reinvigoration and patchwork in Australian workplaces
A Wilkinson, K Townsend, J Burgess
Journal of Industrial relations 55 (4), 583-600, 2013
A case study of transformational leadership and para-police performance in Indonesia
A Indrayanto, J Burgess, K Dayaram
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 37 (2 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20